Tbc classic addons

Die 2 wichtigsten Add-ons für Heiler in Burning Crusade Classic

Heilen ist eine der anspruchsvoll­sten Auf­gaben in World of War­craft. Die nor­male Benutze­r­ober­fläche ist dabei keine gute Hil­fe: Sie ist unüber­sichtlich und kaum anpass­bar. Add-ons helfen Dir, Dein­er ver­ant­wor­tungsvollen Auf­gaben gerecht zu wer­den. Sie ermöglichen die Anpass­barkeit der UI, schaf­fen weit­ere Ober­flächen und brin­gen nüt­zliche Funk­tio­nen mit sich.

Grid2 und Clique: Heilung auf Knopfdruck

„Grid2“ schafft ein neues Fen­ster auf Deinem Bild­schirm, in dem Du den gesamten Schlachtzug siehst. Jede Per­son wird mit ihren aktuellen Leben­spunk­ten als Kachel dargestellt, sodass Du in kri­tis­chen Sit­u­a­tio­nen schnell agieren kannst. Auf Wun­sch kannst Du auch Jäger­be­gleit­er oder Hex­en­meis­ter-Diener anzeigen lassen. Grid2 bietet auch die Möglichkeit, neg­a­tive Sta­tus­ef­fek­te Dein­er Ver­bün­de­ten darzustellen.

Mit dem Add-on „Clique“ bind­est Du Deine Fähigkeit­en auf unter­schiedliche Tas­ten und Tas­tenkom­bi­na­tio­nen. So kannst Du beispiel­sweise eine Blitzheilung wirken, indem Du mit der recht­en Maus­taste auf eine Kachel in Grid2 klickst. Mit etwas Übung prägst Du Dir die Kom­bi­na­tio­nen schnell ein und heilst for­t­an deut­lich schneller.

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Map and Navigation Addons

  • Atlas Burning Crusade – Ever wish you had maps for instances? Now you can, with the Atlas Mod for Burning Crusade. Atlas maps give the location of NPCs, objects, events, and creatures, as well as providing important info like location, level range, player limit, and more.
  • Leatrix Maps – Hate exploring? Is mystery your misery? This addon lets you reveal the map, among other QoL features. Get Leatrix Maps and make your map more manageable.
  • TomTom – As with Leatrix Maps, this addon is great for anyone who just wants to get to the objective, rather than scour the map for it. TomTom lets you set waypoints and guides you to your destination.

All-In-One and Convenience Addons

  • CTMod – This modular addon lets you customize everything from hotbars and buff timers, to statistic recording and an expense history, plus a lot more.
  • Leatrix Plus – This addon provides lots of automation, including some nice features like auto-selling of junk, resizing of chat, and the ability to automatically accept or block a variety of invites/requests.
  • idTweaks – A collection of addons that automates some of the UI, and adds some QoL changes to the minimap, chat, and the rest of the UI.
  • FasterLooting – Just like it sounds! With this addon you can click once to loot a mob without stopping.
  • AutoRoll – Lets you set up automatic need, greed, or pass responses to any loot rolls.

So installierst Du Add-ons automatisch mit WoWUp

WoWUp ermöglicht Dir die automa­tis­che Instal­la­tion von Add-ons. Du kannst damit Updates auf Knopf­druck aus­führen und musst Dich nicht mehr regelmäßig mit Aktu­al­isierun­gen der Add-ons herum­schla­gen. So instal­lierst Du Add-ons mit WoWUp:

  1. Besuche die Inter­net­seite WoWUp.io.
  2. Suche in der Mitte des Bild­schirms Dein Betrieb­ssys­tem und klicke auf den But­ton „Down­load Now“.
  3. Führe die soeben herun­terge­ladene Datei aus und folge dem Instal­la­tion­sprozess.
  4. WoWUp find­et den Instal­la­tion­sor­d­ner von World of War­craft: The Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic automa­tisch. Klicke auf „Ein­stel­lun­gen“ und lege den Pfad manuell fest, wenn WoWUp die Instal­la­tion nicht automa­tisch find­et.  World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/AddOns ist der kor­rek­te Pfad für Add-ons in TBC Clas­sic.
  5. Wäh­le im Drop­down-Menü oben links „Clas­sic” aus, damit WoWUp Add-ons für Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic instal­liert.
  6. Klicke nun auf „Addons instal­lieren“ und suche Deine Wun­schmod­i­fika­tion.
  7. Instal­liere das Add-on mit einem Linksklick auf „Instal­lieren“ und starte das Spiel.

TBC Classic: Essenzielle Add-ons für Tanks

Nur erfahrene Tanks überblick­en den kom­plet­ten Kampf und hal­ten auch die Ver­bün­de­ten in den hin­teren Rei­hen im Auge. Add-ons helfen aus und visu­al­isieren wichtige Infor­ma­tio­nen oder schla­gen Alarm in bren­zli­gen Sit­u­a­tio­nen. Wir stellen Dir die besten Add-ons für Tanks vor.

The one and only: Plater Nameplates

„Plater Name­plates“ ist das All­rounder-Add-on schlechthin für Tanks. In der Grund­funk­tion­sweise ähnelt es jedem gängi­gen Threat-Meter, indem es die aktuelle Bedro­hung auf dem anvisierten Geg­n­er visu­al­isiert. Durch seine Anpass­barkeit hebt es sich aber von den meis­ten Add-ons ab, was es prak­tisch unverzicht­bar für Main­tanks macht. Durch über 500 ver­schiedene Ein­stel­lung­sop­tio­nen kannst Du es genau auf Deine Bedürfnisse abstim­men.

Plater Name­plates ist so umfan­gre­ich, dass es andere Add-ons wie „Recount“ oder „Details“ über­flüs­sig macht. Eine beliebte Alter­na­tive zu dem All­rounder ist „Threat Plates“, das mit einem ähn­lichen Umfang aufwartet.

Kennst Du weit­ere Add-ons für WoW: The Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic, die wir in unseren Artikel aufnehmen sollen? Schreibe es uns in die Kom­mentare.

Das kön­nte Dich auch inter­essieren: 

Info Addons

  • 5SecondRule – This addon tracks the Five Second Rule, which refers to the 5 seconds needed for mana regen to resume after spending mana. It will then display your next mana tick if you aren’t full mana. Good for knowing when you’ll be able to cast that next spell!
  • SinStats – A moveable stats frame that displays important info like attack power, crit%, and more. Here’s what it looks like!
  • WeaponSwingTimer SixxFix – Gives you the ability to track not only your swing timer, but your target as well. Useful for deciding whether to greed that health pot or not!
  • Modern TargetFrame – This addon gives StatusBar text for health and mana bars, provides a numerical value for Threat indicator, and makes Rare-Elites show the Rare-Elite TargetFrame border.
  • Details! Damage Meter – “Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter for World of Warcraft.“.
  • Mik Scrolling Battle Text – This addon separates and scrolls incoming and outgoing damage and heals in separate, configurable windows. It also recolors unit names, damage by type, and includes some other nice features too.
  • Extended Character Stats – Ever wanted to know how fast your character moves, or what your dodge chance is? Get this addon and you won’t have to wonder anymore.

Questing Addons

  • Questie – The classic questing companion works in the TBC Beta! If you want to see where to go for quests instead of reading the description and wandering around, you want this addon. Join the Discord, agree to the rules, and head to the download-beta-questie channel and follow the directions to get started.
  • Wide Quest Log – This neat little addon simply doubles the Quest Log UI window size so you can finally see all your quests at once.
  • TotalQuestXP – This addon has the fantastic ability to let you know how much XP you’re going to gain once you turn in all your currently completable quests. No more getting back to town only to realize you needed to kill a couple more mobs for that next level!

Miscellaneous Addons

  • Prat 3.0 – A powerful and feature-rich chat addon that lets you filter spam, alert scroll speed, add player colors, and a whole lot more.
  • Leatrix Sounds – Maybe you want to make a TBC YouTube video, but don’t want to manually capture a specific sound, or maybe you just want to spam Thrall’s voicelines in your Discord. As a sound browser that includes a search function, this addon has you covered.
  • Plater Nameplates – This addon lets you modify nameplates in a wide variety of ways, and also includes debuff tracking and threat coloring.
  • RippyFont – This addon alters the in game font, check out this screenshot to see if it’s to your liking.
  • RippyPortraits – This addon alters the portraits significantly, as you can see here.
  • CraftPresence – If you and your Discord buddies have trouble figuring out which realm to get onto, this addon is for you. CraftPresence lets you display tons of different info about how you’re playing WoW via Discord.
  • SurroundFix – Flight-sim setup users rejoice! If for some reason you really want to play the TBC Beta stretched across 3 monitors, now you can.

Please let us know if we’re missing a useful addon that currently works in the TBC Beta!

Base UI + Essential Bits

These are the basic unit frames and add-ons that I use to build the rest of my UI.

ElvUI + Redtuzk UI

Redtuzk UI is one of the most popular skins built on the ElvUI platform and it’s what I use myself. It’s simple, clean and it’s kept updated. Redtuzk himself is also fairly active inside our discord if you want to say hi or ask a question and he has his own discord with support staff for helping to answer questions as well.

You’ll need BOTH Redtuzk UI and ElvUI installed to get this up and running. I’ve included my profile for easier installation if you want to just set up your UI exactly like mine (watch video to see you install it)

Note: RedtuzkUI disables stealth bar 1 changing, if you want to restore this to normal you need to reset action paging on bar 1 in elvui settings (see the video timestamp for RedtuzkUI if you wish to do so).

Download links:

  • Redtuzk UI
  • ElvUI TBC
  • Sno’s RedtuzkUI Profile (my bar 1 is hidden, change bar 1 alpha to 100% if you wish to see it again or change anything)


Weakauras let’s you easily import or build cool mini add-ons inside WoW. Almost all my HUD notifications and rogue mods are built using the Weakauras 2 add-on.

You’ll want to get this if you want to import all of my rogue UI mods.

Download link:

Weakauras (make sure you download Burning Crusade version)

Details! Damage Meters

Just a clean, great damage meters add-on that everyone in WoW already uses. You should grab it if you don’t already have this.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details-damage-meter-burning-crusade

My details profile in case you want just the details look without the rest of the UI: https://wago.io/sPoyIR39r (make sure you import as profile and not skin)

ThreatClassic2 – Threat Meters

A popular threat meters add-on that I use. You can also use the one built into details (tiny threat) if you prefer, but I personally find threatclassic2 easier to setup the way I like it to behave.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/threatclassic2

Plater Nameplates

Default nameplates suck. Plater is much better and Redtuzk UI comes with a plater skin when you install it.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/plater-nameplates

Sno’s plater profile (in case you just want the plater look without Redtuzk UI): https://wago.io/NRhdsm9nn


You don’t have to get this add-on but in my opinion it makes your damage in/out and healing in/out way easier to monitor. It basically separates your incoming and outgoing combat events into a more clean/easy to monitor breakdown.

I HIGHLY recommend you watch my video above to set up your filters the same as mine, otherwise it can spam you with way too much information that you don’t need.

Download link (grab the retail version – it works fine for TBC): https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mik-scrolling-battle-text

Deadly Boss Mods

Goes without saying, almost everyone uses this for raid warnings. You should probably get this or you raid lead might yell at you.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/deadly-boss-mods

Add-ons manuell downloaden und installieren – so wird es gemacht

Die manuelle Instal­la­tion von Add-ons ist in World of War­craft: Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic mit weni­gen Klicks erledigt. Suche auf Web­seit­en wie Curse­forge oder Wow­in­ter­face nach Add-ons, lade sie herunter und ent­packe sie in den WoW-Mod-Ord­ner. Wie das genau funk­tion­iert, erfährst Du in unser­er Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.

  1. Lade Dir Dein Wun­sch-Add-on herunter.
  2. Öffne die herun­terge­ladene Datei mit einem Pro­gramm wie Win­Rar oder 7-Zip.
  3. Ent­packe sie in den Ord­ner World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/AddOns und starte das Spiel.

Merke: Vorher wurde der _clas­sic_-Ord­ner von WoW Clas­sic genutzt. WoW Clas­sic nutzt nun den Ord­ner _classic_era_ und The Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic nutzt seit der Veröf­fentlichung des Pre-Patch­es den Ord­ner _classic_.

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic – die besten Add-ons für jede Klasse

Titan Panel: Echtes Classic-Feeling

„Titan Pan­el“ ist eines der meist­genutzten Add-ons über­haupt in World of War­craft. Fast jede Spieler:in nutzte das Add-on bere­its vor etlichen Jahren, um wichtige Infor­ma­tio­nen auf einen Blick zu erhal­ten. Es fügt Deinem Bild­schirm eine oder zwei zusät­zliche Leiste hinzu und stellt wichtige Infor­ma­tio­nen über­sichtlich dar. „Titan Pan­el Clas­sic“ ist die Neuau­flage für die Clas­sic-Erweiterun­gen. Du kannst Dir unter anderem fol­gende Infos anzeigen lassen:

  • aktuelles Ver­mö­gen
  • durch­schnit­tliche Halt­barkeit der Aus­rüs­tung
  • Latenz und Bilder pro Sekunde
  • Aus­las­tung der Taschen
  • aktueller Stan­dort mit Koor­di­nat­en
  • gesam­melte Erfahrungspunk­te in der aktuellen Sitzung pro Stunde
  • geschätzte Zeit bis zum Lev­e­lauf­stieg
  • Laut­stärk­ere­gler
  • Uhrzeit

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Bagnon: Taschen vereinigt euch!

In World of War­craft musst Du jede Tasche einzeln öff­nen, um deren Inhalt zu sehen. Mit dem Add-on „Bagnon“ gehört dieses Prozedere in The Burn­ing Cru­sade Clas­sic der Ver­gan­gen­heit an. Es fusion­iert alle Taschen zu ein­er einzi­gen großen Tasche. Außer­dem fasst es Deine Bank­fäch­er zu einem großen Bank­fach zusam­men und spe­ichert ein Abbild des Inhalts. So kannst Du auch unter­wegs den Bank­in­halt ein­se­hen.

Als i-Tüpfelchen inte­gri­ert Bagnon eine Such­funk­tion in Dein Inven­tar. Damit find­est Du gesuchte Gegen­stände viel schneller und sparst eine Menge Zeit.

Details! Damage Meter – wer macht den meisten Schaden?

„Details!“ ist ein klas­sis­ches Dam­age Meter. Schaue in Winde­seile nach, wie viel Schaden Deine Team­mit­glieder verur­sacht haben. Du kannst außer­dem den eingesteck­ten Schaden sowie die aus­geteilte und erhal­tene Heilung und viele weit­ere Infor­ma­tio­nen ein­se­hen.

Entferne schädliche Effekte mit Decursive

Jede Klasse, die schädliche Effek­te aufheben kann, sollte mit „Decur­sive“ arbeit­en. Das Add-on stellt Deine Grup­pen­mit­glieder als kleine Kacheln dar. Sobald ein ent­fern­bar­er Schadza­uber auf jeman­dem liegt, verän­dert sich die Farbe der Kachel. Mit einem Klick auf die Kachel wirkst Du Deinen Zauber und ent­fernst den neg­a­tiv­en Effekt.

Es zeigt wahlweise Magieef­fek­te, Blu­tun­gen, Flüche oder Gifte an. Du kannst Dich von dem Add-on auch über jede Art neg­a­tiv­er Effek­te informieren lassen. Beson­ders heilende Klassen erhal­ten dadurch wertvolle Infor­ma­tio­nen, mit denen sie ihre Heilza­uber bess­er pla­nen kön­nen.

Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Nutzung von Drittanbieter-Einbindungen mit einem Klick auf den folgenden Button:Inhalt von «youtube.com» laden!

Long Macros erweitert die maximalen Zeichen der Makro-Texte

Die Com­mu­ni­ty schwört nor­maler­weise auf „Macro Toolk­it“, wenn es um die Ver­längerung der Makro-Texte geht. Da das Add-on jedoch während des Pre-Patch­es zur neuen Erweiterung nicht funk­tion­iert, möcht­en wir Dir einen fähi­gen Ersatz vorstellen. „Long Macros“ existiert seit jeher im Schat­ten von Macro Toolk­it, hält aber im Gegen­satz zum Platzhirsch auch während des Pre-Patch­es was es ver­spricht.

PvP Add-Ons

Here are some highly recommended PvP add-ons that I’m using right now.

Diminish (diminishing returns tracking)

Does exactly what the name says – tracks diminishing returns on enemies. Very useful for PvP.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/diminish

Enemy Cooldown Count

Tracks enemy cooldowns in a handy to use bar which you can move anywhere. Includes trinkets and racials – so it’s basically omnibar but better.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/enemy-cooldown-count-classic


Very popular arena target frames.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sarena

Interface and Inventory Addons

  • Tofu – This neat addon turns the quest dialogue window into a less obtrusive dialogue bubble.
  • WeakAuras2 – A customizable graphical addon that lets you change how auras, cooldowns, totems, and other important info are displayed and indicated.
  • ShestakUI – A modular, all-in-one interface overhaul, this addon attempts to consolidate the UI to make it more streamlined and convey more information. Check it out in action here.
  • Bagnon – This addon includes nice QoL improvements such as a single bag window, highlighting of important items, and a search function for your inventory.
  • ArkInventory – This is another powerful inventory addon that lets you do a lot of sorting of your bags. It also allows you to view all of your inventory at once.
  • TrinketMenuClassic – Like it says on the tin, this addon makes it easier to swap trinkets.
  • VuhDo – This addon displays raid member’s health in an easy to parse way, and also allows you to heal or cast spells on said members via their displayed bars.
  • Elvui – A custom UI with a clean, easy to read interface.

Rogue Weakauras & UI

If you’re just after my basic rogue HUD setup minus the rest of the UI (energy bar + combo pts + rogue CD uptime tracker) here is where you’ll find it.

You need the weakauras add-on listed above to import the following auras. Watch the video at the top if you don’t know how to import a weakaura and want a quick rundown.

Rogue Combo Points

A simple circular combo point tracker with a ring around the outside that shows when you are waiting on your 1 second global cooldown.

Download link: https://wago.io/WS4YnxEXh

note: I’m not the original creator of this weakaura, rather I tweaked some settings and colors from an existing weakaura made by Johadan.

Rogue Energy Bar + Ticker

Simple energy bar with an added ticker to show your current energy tick cycle. This is more accurate than nugenergy and similar energy tickers because it doesn’t get confused by energy procs from gear/talents.

Big thank you to Yam from rogue discord for the energy ticker code I used here.

Download link: https://wago.io/0nXj3cI0s

Rogue actives buff tracker

Shows your current active rogue buffs in a simple box + countdown. Slice and dice is purposely highlighted with a yellow glow to make it stand out when using multiple CDs at once.

Currently tracks:

  • Adrenaline rush
  • Blade Flurry
  • Slice and Dice
  • Expose Armor
  • Rupture
  • LW haste drum buff
  • Haste potion buff
  • Crusader/mongoose procs
  • Vanish improved stealth buff
  • Sprint
  • Evasion
  • Free action potion
  • Racial actives
  • Active trinket buffs (fyi – I update the aura regularly for new active trinkets as they become popular)

Download link: https://wago.io/L3XVrJdOk

Rogue short cooldown tracker

Shows your current short term cooldowns on frequently used abilities such as Kidney Shot or Kick.

Currently tracks:

  • Mobs distracted timer
  • Kick CD
  • Kidney Shot CD
  • Re-stealth CD
  • Ghostly Strike CD
  • Recently Bandaged CD

Download link: https://wago.io/95FfOT1-7

Rogue enemy CC + debuff tracker

Shows your current cc and debuffs on enemy players in a growing vertical column for easy pvp monitoring.

Currently tracks the following:

Download link: https://wago.io/Xw8J1WPRY

Rogue PvP Cooldowns HUD

Displays your current rogue pvp abilities and their cooldowns. Fades when on CD and highlights for 10 seconds when cooldown is finishing.

There’s also a combat indicator to show when you’re in combat still (ps – if you want the circle graphic instead of square check further down for my circle icon instructions).

Download Link: https://wago.io/4b4vAll58

Redtuzk’s TBC Rogue Stats

This adds a simple stat calculator in your player window to show useful info such as hit, expertise, crit and other rogue dps stats. Crit cap is no longer included in recent updates due to lack of crit cap issues in TBC onwards.

Download link: https://wago.io/roguestats

Hemlock (poison buying helper)

Great poison buying add-on that let’s you set how many of each poison/flash powder you want to buy. One click to buy, one click to create/combine.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/hemlock

Poisoner (one click poison application)

Let’s you set up easy one click poison applications. It also has a handy customizable mh/oh reminder if you have no poisons applied to your weapons.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/poisoner

Time To Die Calculator

Not really only rogue related, but very useful and calculates how long the mob has until death based on current dps of the raid. Very rough number but a very handy weakaura to help you nail your rotation timing.

Download link: https://wago.io/D85g6Y4CL

Patreon Bonus: Sno’s PvE Cooldowns Bar

This is designed to replace needing a hotkey bar visible for any PvE related cooldowns. It becomes grey/see through when on CD, then glows when off CD to remind you to use your dps CD.

Currently tracks your cd on active trinket, BF, AR, Tea, LW drums and Haste Potions. By default it’s also set to not load if you enter a battleground/arena (you can change this in load settings, but I figured no one would want to see those pve reminders in arena).

Download links + setup instructions on patreon:

General Add-Ons

These are add-ons that aren’t really rogue specific, but very handy regardless!

Itemrack Classic

Let’s you easily change itemsets via macros and also swap between gear/trinkets with mouseover clicks.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/itemrack-classic

Leatrix Plus

Adds lots of handy features to the game such as quicker auto loot, disable death screen grey color, auto dismount to use abilities and more!

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-plus-bcc

Leatrix Maps

Reveals the entire map and let’s you customize and move/resize it a lot better.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/leatrix-maps-bcc

eAlignUpdated (grid for positioning UI)

If you’re insane like me and need your UI perfectly aligned, this adds an /align command to bring up a grid that lets you position your UI better.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/ealign-updated

Masque (pretty icons/bars)

This let’s you skin your bars/weakauras and other things to look pretty. It’s how I skin some of my auras/bars to look like circles and why my general weakauras have clean icons vs. the ugly default look.

Download link:

  • Masque – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque
  • ElvUI matching skin – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masqueelvuiesqueskin
  • Raeli skin (Circle skin) – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/masque_raeli (download retail version of raeli)

MySlot (easy macro + hotkey transfer between characters)

Let’s you easily save and import macro and hotkey settings between characters. A lifesaver for setting up new characters.

Download link (download retail version): https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/myslot


Makes some of your other windows prettier to match ElvUi. Also has a neat DBM skin that looks pretty.

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/addonskins


Everyones favourite quest helper add-on. Does anyone not use this?

Download link: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/questie


My favourite bag add-on. It takes a little setup but once it’s setup then everything is sorted into a handy section. The only downside of adibags is unlike bagnon it won’t show alts bags – so keep that in mind when deciding between agibags vs. bagnon.


  • Download link – https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/elvui-adibags (seems to work fine for TBC)
  • Youtube video for setup breakdown – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbjE-pp3cjI


This does the same thing as itemrack, except it has an option to keep trinket window open 24/7. I sometimes prefer trinketmenu because of this option to see the CDs on all my trinkets.

Download link (fixed tbc version): https://github.com/Nixxen/TrinketMenu/ (hover green code button > download zip, then rename folder to ‘TrinketMenu’ after unzipping to interface)

Luxthos experience bar

This is a fancy experience bar that shows time per session, time to level and more! I recommend you change the scaling to be smaller because the bar is also gigantic by default.

Import Link: https://wago.io/LuxthosExperienceBar

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