Лучшие аддоны для новичков в world of warcraft


Wild Rift

  • Top 5 Best Marksman Champion to Pick in Ranked | Wild Rift
  • Top 5 Best Fighter Champion to Pick in Ranked | Wild Rift
  • Top 5 Best Jungle Champion to Pick in Ranked | Wild Rift
  • Wild Rift Marksman (Dragon Lane) Tier List — Patch 4.2
  • Wild Rift Mage (Mid Lane) Tier List — Patch 4.2
  • Wild Rift Fighter (Solo Lane) Tier List — Patch 4.2
  • Wild Rift Support Tier List — Patch 4.2
  • Wild Rift Patch 4.2 Update Preview
  • Wild Rift Jungle Tier List — Patch 4.2
  • Wild Rift All New Items Update (Patch 4.1)
  • Wild Rift Urgot Build (Patch 4.1c), Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Wild Rift Twitch Build (Patch 4.1b), Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Wild Rift Zeri Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, & Abilities
  • Wild Rift Zoe Build (PATCH 4.1b), ITEMS, RUNES & ABILITIES
  • Wild Rift Lillia Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, & Abilities
  • Wild Rift Kayn Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes & Abilities
  • Wild Rift Aatrox Build (Patch 4.2) Items, Runes & Abilities
  • Wild Rift Vex Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Wild Rift Yone Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, & Abilities
  • Wild Rift Sion Build Patch (4.2), Items, Runes, & Abilities

Champions Guide

  • Sett Guide, Abilities, Build, & Matchups
  • Jayce Guide, Abilities, Build, & Matchups
  • Seraphine Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Evelynn Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Kai’Sa Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Draven Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Akali Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Darius Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Singed Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Lee Sin Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
  • Dr. Mundo Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
  • Sona Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Jarvan IV Guide, Abilities, Counters & Skins
  • Amumu Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Varus Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Soraka Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Nami Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Zed Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Janna Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins
  • Malphite Guide, Abilities, Counters, & Skins

LoL WR Tier List Criteria

Tier S+: Currently the best champions in this Wild Rift Tier List. Also known as God or OP Tier champions. These are very difficult to counter and with the right strategies, perform very well on any game. These champions are usually banned or picked in higher tiers.

Tier S:  Strong Champions. These Champions can be as impactful as the S+ champions but are not as banned or picked as them.

Tier A+: Viable Champions. These champions are one buff away from being S or S+ tier champions. They can be used in almost all drafts and can be safely picked in most cases.

Tier A: Good Champions. These Champions are powerful with the right strategies, they excel at what they do in their lanes and perform well in most games.

Tier B: Average Champions. With the right team composition, they can perform well, but their impact is often lower than tier A.

Tier C: For Fun Tier: Champions in this tier are usually subpar in their average performance. Yes, you can win with all champions but you will be fighting an uphill battle when using champions in this tier.

What is a Wild Rift Tier List?

If you are new to the gaming community, you have probably encountered these tier lists and ended up becoming clueless about it. But, what do they even do?

A Wild Rift Tier list is created by ranking each champion subjectively based on their viability from S+ to D tier in the current meta. Champions that are placed at the top are considered to be the strongest not just by their damage, but by their overall utility and performance. Tier lists are mainly reliant on players’ or analysts’ collective knowledge about the game and its elements, making it opinion-based.

Following the tier list may not guarantee your desired rank, but it can serve as a guide on which champions should be taken advantage of. Likewise, a tier list can be a good basis on which champions to avoid by banning them during the draft pick. However, if you would prefer to focus on one specific role or lane, don’t worry as we also got you covered. Click on the filters directly above of our Wild Rift tier list in order to see who might be the best for you in each role or visit the sub-tier lists for a detailed breakdown:

  • Best Top in Wild Rift
  • Best Jungle in Wild Rift
  • Best Mid in Wild Rift
  • Best ADC in Wild Rift
  • Best Support in Wild Rift


GadgetsGadgets is not so much a single addon, but a collection of addons and a hub, like the ‘Widgets’ concept for individual addons. The base Gadgets addon includes a large variety of ‘gadgets’ including a Cast Bar, Charge Meter, Combo Points, CPU Monitor, replacement Raid Frames, FPS Monitor, DPS meter, Range Finder and replacement Unit Frames.
There’s also a lot of individual authors who have created other Gadgets on top of the ones provided in the base addon.
You should definitely check this addon out as it adds quite a variety of useful UI addons and replacement addons.

Gadgets: Outfitter
With the introduction of F2P, Trion has made the total number of roles/specs you can have on your character at 20. That’s a lot when you start including loadequip # + role # macros and things start to look a little crazy. Will you have enough macro slots for each? What about hotkey bars? Luckily, Gadgets: Outfitter allows you to place additional button bars which will load up your role and equipment for each role. It is highly customisable and equipment can even be retrieved from your Wardrobe slots, saving a ton of space in your inventory bags!

Note: Requires Gadgets.

Gadgets: CurrencyIf you’re the type who constantly checks how much of any currency you have as you work your way towards a new upgrade, it can be annoying clicking on the Currency button every time you wish to check and end up overwhelmed by the huge amount of currency listed. Gadgets: Currency makes things easier by providing a small transparent icon of your currency plus its amount in small font. You can move each individual currency UI frame and can choose which currencies you wish to display.

Note: Requires Gadgets.

Carnage Book
Rift introduced Carnages with the Storm Legion expansion, adding in achievements for each zone for completing all Carnages. If you are a completionist looking to complete all Carnages but just can’t seem to find which carnages you are missing, than this is the addon for you! Carnage Book provides a list of all missing carnage quests based on your current zone in your chat window with a simple “/carnage” command to put you on the correct path.

Quest Finder
Quest Finder provides a list of all missing quests in your current zone so that you can make sure you’re completing all your quests and working towards those zone-quest-completion achievements!

Are you an avid Rare Mob hunter, looking to complete those huge meta-achieves? RareDar is an addon that provides you with a list of all rares in any particular zone – their known spawn locations are shown and the ‘radar’ icon turns green with a number next to it to indicate any rares nearby. Very useful.

Wild Rift tier list: Bot lane

Tier Champion
S Caitlyn, Draven, Ezreal, Lucian, Samira, Tristana, Varus
A Corki, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Orianna, Vayne, Xayah, Ziggs
B Ashe, Jhin, Morgana
C Akshan, Miss Fortune, Senna

The ADC role is in a powerful state, and holds great precedence in the current meta. This is largely due to two factors: the importance of elemental dragons, and the strength of supports.

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Since supports are so strong, ADCs have become more important as well. After all, supports help their carries out, and the carries deal the damage necessary to take over the game.

Top Pick: Caitlyn

Caitlyn is a bit of an interesting case where she’s not necessarily broken in the hands of every player. Instead, she’s a high-skill cap champion who excels when utilized in tandem with a skilled support.

This is because Caitlyn has great follow-up potential with her traps and skill shots. And considering how powerful supports are in the game, Caitlyn’s prevalence in the meta rises as well. For players who know how to properly aim her first ability, alongside taking advantage of her oppressive lane power, the champion becomes a menace.

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Caitlyn has amazing follow-up potential

Notable Pick: Tristana (S tier)

The yordle rocketeer is rising up in the tier list hierarchy. Tristana hasn’t necessarily been weak for a while, but more players are beginning to understand the strengths she provides.

Though her initial laning phase lacks priority, Tristana more than makes up for it with her mid to late-game hyper-carry potential. Not only does she have great burst damage, her ever-increasing range and insane attack speed allow her to deal consistent damage over time.

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Especially in a solo queue environment, Tristana excels in all-in engages. If the player maneuvering the champion understands what they’re doing, a jump in almost always spells out death for the enemy.

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Tristana excels during the mid to late game

Rift 1 and Beyond

You’ll enter Rift 1 and approach a rift, which will grant you an assignment – defeat 500 enemies in five minutes. This is a rolling target, so after five minutes the progress timer will count down; it’s not like a quest. It’s just 500 in the last five minutes. Then you’ll be in Rift 2, which will have another objective and so on and so on.

The objectives are kill x enemies in x time, collect x tears (drops in the zone), get x skulls (see skull section below), etc. You’ll see each objective when you enter in front of the rift portal.

To quickly advance, move your characters and have them idle at the rift. There’s several rift levels for afk experience and it’ll help for the class specific rifts to just have everyone you can be there.

From here you’ll unlock a new bonus every 5 rifts or so. The bonuses are:

  • Rift 5: Auto Trap – Automatically collects traps once per day. Once you unlock this, the 20-hour trap becomes the most efficient if you’re not manually managing the traps.
  • Rift 11: Infinite Star Signs – You get one infinite star sign per shiny pet. These give all the positives, none of the negatives. They unlock in a specific order.
  • Rift 16: Skills Bonus – Various skills are upgraded along with other stats in the game. Absolutely needed to progress in the rift and a huge bonus overall.
  • Rift 21: Eclipse Skull – You can now get 1 billion kill skulls in the Deathnote.
  • Rift 26: Stamp Mastery – You get a chance at a gilded stamp, which you can save up. 95% reduction in resources.
  • Rift 31: Eldritch Artifacts – See below, a third upgrade for artifacts.
  • Rift 36: Vial Bonus – Alchemy vial upgrades.
  • Rift 41: Construction Mastery
  • Rift 46: Ruby Cards – Another level to cards.

33. QuestMapProgress 1.3.4

Аддон показывает прогресс выполнения квестов на локации, где сейчас находится аватар. Также можно попытаться найти незавершенные квесты для текущей зоны либо во всем мире.

Если в текущей зоне, где находится аватар, нет выполняемых квестов(не дейликов) — то окно не отображается.

На карте можно посмотреть общий прогресс выполнения квестов в каждой из зон а так же более подробную информацию, если навести курсор на цифру прогресса(см скриншоты).

Окно можно перемещать по экрану мышкой с зажатой клавишей SHIFT!

Закрыть окно аддона можно кнопкой справа вверху окна, а так же с помощью кнопочки. Или же использовать команду в чате «/qmp» (без кавычек).

В файле Scripts/Settings.lua можно выставить настройки:

  • Показывать ли окно при запуске аддона (true — показывать, false — не показывать)
  • Показывать ли прогресс бар на карте (true — показывать, false — не показывать)


When you start to get into running expert dungeons and progressing through Rift’s extensive raid content, you may see yourself looking for some more beefier addons.

King Boss Mods (KBM)King Boss Mods (commonly referred to as “KBM”) is the main dungeon/raiding addon that the vast majority of raiders use. It provides timers, on-screen flashing alerts, mechanic spy, health monitors, tank swap monitors and other useful UI mods for each dungeon and raid boss encounter in the game.

KBM’s alerts, timers and other mechanic-related UI mods are highly customisable and you can adjust colors, UI layout, size and other features across the board or even on an individual boss encounter level.

KBM also brings with it a Rez Master that lists those with battle resurrection skills and their cooldown timers, as well as ReadyCheck, which provides a list detailing each party/raid members’ raid consumables, ready status, soul vitality, planar protection and feast use. It even gives a flashing icon warning for raid members who have less than 10min left on their consumes.

As well as the base KBM addon, KBM also includes two Plug-Ins, KBM MarkIt and KBM Add Watch.

>>KBM Mark-ItKBM MarkIt is a Plug-In that provides a UI mod that adds a list of all marked targets. You can customise this list as you see fit in terms of which Mark Numbers and Mark Icons you choose to display.
With this addon you can easily check the names and health of all targets marked by your raid leader or by a raid assistant and can interact with this list by clicking on a marked target’s name on this list in order to target them.
I.e., instead of using a macro to target a marked target, or having to manually click on the target (who could be behind a bunch of other targets, making manually targeting difficult), you can instead click on the target on this list to target them.

>>KBM AddWatch
KBM AddWatch is another Plug-in for KBM that adds small frames on your screen that will show the name, health and cast bars of any hostile mobs currently targeted by yourself or a party/raid member. This addon is useful on fights where you need to pay attention to the health of multiple mobs.

If you’re finding keeping track of raid buffs, tank debuffs and specific debuffs is becoming a little difficult let alone your own buffs and cooldowns, than KaruulAlert is for you! The UI addon tracks cooldowns, buffs and debuffs on yourself, your target, focus target, enemies and allies alike and is highly customisable in terms of font, size, placement and what abilities it tracks and on who it tracks. You can set the addon up so that it tracks different things based on the role/spec you are in, and you can arrange it so that it automatically switches ‘sets’ to match your role/spec.

This addon can be invaluable in ensuring you maximise your dps and hps, especially when you are using a spec with tons of different cooldowns or dots/hots to keep track of.

Patch 4.1 Commentary

The presented Lol Wild Rift Tier List above is highly influenced by the present changes in the Patch 4.1. Champions may be directly affected due to several buff, nerf and adjustments to their kit, or by the changes on the items and runes. Learn more about the detailed changes through the recent Wild Rift Patch 4.1 Notes.

The Tank Meta – Wild Rift Patch 4.1 boasts a number of changes that will surely shake up the meta for Season 8. The start of the new patch comes with the arrival of new tank items; Mantle of the Twelfth Hour, Amaranth Twinguard and Searing Crown. The addition of the three items brings more ways for the tanks to strive and survive especially during teamfights and skirmishes. Watch as these champions turn into the beefiest tanks who are able to withstand continuous attacks from their enemies and essentially turn to be unkillable. 

True damage-dealing champions – With the arrival of new tank items, it is safe to say that we’re currently in the tank meta. This also goes to say that champions who can counter them are pretty strong right now as well, and considered as a must-pick— the tank shredders. What it takes to be able to easily take down tanks is the ability to deal true damage. Champions who can deal true damage include Vayne, Gwen, Fiora, Kai’sa, Camille and more. Hence, these champions are positioned on top of the list.

Pyke – One of the highlights of this patch is the introduction of the new Pyke. Recently, the Bloodharbor Ripper just received a mini-rework on his kit and it certainly made him a lot more broken not only as a support but in other roles as well. Pyke’s damage and wave clear have been improved allowing him to excel even more as a midlaner and jungler.

Wild Rift tier list: Support

Tier Champion
S Galio, Karma, Nami, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Senna, Soraka, Thresh,
A Braum, Gragas, Janna, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Seraphine, Yuumi
B Amumu, Ashe, Sett, Sona, Shen
C Blitzcrank, Brand, Morgana

The tank support items increased the viability of crowd control-reliant tank champions in the support role. These champions have admittedly felt a little weaker compared to their enchanter counterparts, especially when taken into a solo queue environment, but they’re now more functional.

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Top Pick: Thresh (S tier)

Dawnshroud puts in absolute work with the champion. Thanks to his already high damage numbers and an incredible amount of crowd control, Dawnshroud, which provides extra damage and reveals nearby enemies upon immobilizing enemies, makes Thresh a top-tier pick.

Instead of having to fall back on movement speed-increasing items, which tank supports practically always rushed, having an offensive item option increases Thresh’s viability in the meta.

Dawnshroud helps Thresh stand out in patch 4.1

Notable Pick: Senna (S tier)

Senna is very powerful in Wild Rift patch 4.1. The champion’s damage and healing are off the charts, providing practically every essential element during team fights, outside of front lining. But as long as she has someone to stand in front of her, she’s perfectly capable of taking over the game.

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But just because she’s bordering overpowered don’t think it means you can pick her every game. There are often times when picking her will cause your teammates to throw, since Senna doesn’t work the best when in a team of full squishy ranged carries. Therefore, read the room and try to adjust accordingly.

Wild Rift Senna is very strong in Patch 4.1

Как устанавливать аддоны на устройствах Amazon

  1. Подключите устройство совместимое с GearVR к ПК при помощи USB;
  2. После подключения перейдите в папку Майнкрафта на устройстве: Этот компьютер\<Название устройства Amazon>\Внутреннее хранилище\игры\com.mojang (примечание, этот путь может отличаться на разных моделях телефонов);
  3. Откройте директорию в которую был сохранён скачанный файл;
    • Для импорта файлов .McWorld:
      • Перейдите в папку MineCraftWorlds;
      • Скопируйте файл .McWorld в эту папку;
      • Смените файлу расширение .McWorld на .zip;
      • Распакуйте содержимое файла.
    • Для импорта файлов .McPack:
      • Перейдите в папку:
        • Если ваш .McPack — это набор параметров, но перейдите в папку behavior_packs;
        • Если ваш .McPack — это набор ресурсов, то перейдите в папку resource_packs;
      • Скопируйте файл .McPack в эту папку;
      • Смените файлу расширение .McPack на .zip (распаковывать его не нужно!);
  4. Запустите Minecraft: Pocket Edition.
  5. Аддоны и/или миры с аддонами появятся в меню выбора мира и в настройках мира на закладках «Наборы ресурсов» и/или «Наборы параметров».


  • Wild Rift Swain Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Wild Rift Warwick Build (Patch 4.2), Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Gwen Build Wild Rift (Patch 4.1c) Best Items, Runes, Abilities
  • Samira Best Build Wild Rift
  • Kassadin Best Build Wild Rift
  • Ekko Build Wild Rift (Patch 4.1b) Best Items, Runes, Abilities — zilliongamer
  • Yuumi Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Morgana Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Kayle Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Caitlyn Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Nunu Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Brand Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Thresh Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Akshan Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Senna Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Lucian Build, Runes, Abilities, Matchups
  • Irelia Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Riven Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Renekton Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups
  • Kha’Zix Build, Runes, Abilities, & Matchups


There are a select few class or role-specific addons that you may be interested in.

Click Box HealerClick Box Healer overwrites the default raid frames in the game and instead replaces it with one that allows for automatic mouseover ability use as well as a better view of debuffs and the aggro status of party/raid members.
You’ll quickly find that the default raid frames are limited in how many debuffs it can show at once. Your tanks will often have more debuffs on them than can be shown on their raid frame, and this can cause issues if a boss encounter has certain abilities that must be dispelled.

The mouseover use of abilities/macros on the frames is a godsend for saving up on the limited macro space in the game as you won’t have to create a mouseover macro for all your heals, cooldowns and cleanses.

DefilerFG is a UI addon for Defilers (a Cleric soul) that displays in a small transparent box the 4 different Defiler Links, their target’s names, a health bar for each and a Foul Growth icon for each Foul Growth stack on the linked target. This addon is invaluable for a Defiler to ensure that you know exactly how many stacks of Foul Growth you have on each of your linked targets, as well as who those targets are. You’re just making it harder for yourself without this addon.
Would love to see the author add a timer to see how long before a target’s Foul Growth stacks disappear/is triggered – but that can be added later.

SynthesisSpy is a UI addon that adds a small UI frame which shows both the name of the mage that casts the skill Synthesis as well as the target player (generally a tank). This addon can be very useful to Chloromancers (a Mage soul) when switching Synthesis on tank-swaps.

The above addons are the main ones I see people using (as well as ones I use or would recommend using). There are quite a few addons out there and you should spend some time browsing through them to see if any pique your interest.

CurseForge and RiftUI are the main Rift addon databases.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: