Deadly boss mods (dbm)

10 лучших модов world of warcraft: dragonflight

Аддон рейдов Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) для WoW

Аддон, который поможет вам в рейдах на крупных боссов WoW и различных мировых событиях. Основные особенности Deadly Boss Mods —

Цветные рейдовые предупреждения с иконками и сообщениями.
Большое внимание уделяется фильтрации — можно скрыть то, что вам не нужно.
Автоответчик ПМ во время боев с боссами. Любой, кто шепчет вам во время боя с боссом, получит сообщение о том что вы заняты

Эти сообщения содержат имя и здоровье босса, а также статус рейда. Эта функция полностью необязательна и может быть отключена игроком.
Столбцы, которые не только показывают кд, но и используют цвета и значки, чтобы показать, какой тип способности подходит и для какой роли.
Информационные рамки, которые используются для отображения обзоров боя или конкретной механики, связанной с боем, чтобы помочь вам быстро получить информацию.

Модульный дизайн — все моды являются плагинами и могут быть заменены, удалены или обновлены отдельно
Загрузка по требованию — все моды являются отдельными надстройками и они будут загружены, когда необходимы. Таким образом, они не используют память или процессор.
Специальные эффекты, такие как эффект вспышки экрана, огромные предупреждающие сообщения и звуки, привлекут ваше внимание к критическим событиям.
Поддержка SharedMedia, так что вы можете использовать любую текстуру для своих баров и более легко выбирать звуки из внешних источников.
Поддержка голосовых пакетов на многих поддерживаемых языках.

Слэш Команды

  • / dbm — показывает / скрывает графический интерфейс
  • / dbm help — показывает другие доступные команды

Скачать аддон Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) для WoW

  • Версия 8.3.28 от 21.07.2020г. — — WoW Актуал ( 8.3.0 )
  • Версия 1.13.53 от 21.07.2020г. — — для WoW Classic (1.13.4)


  • Версия 8.3.26 от 12.06.2020г. — — WoW Актуал ( 8.3.0 )
  • Версия 1.13.51 от 23.06.2020г. — — для WoW Classic (1.13.4)
  • Deadly Boss Mods (DBM 8.3.13) для WoW Актуал ( 8.3.0 ) –

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM 1.13.33) для WoW Classic ( 1.13.3 ) –

  • Deadly Boss Mods (DBM 8.2.28) для WoW Актуал ( 8.2.5 ) –
  • Deadly Boss Mods (DBM 1.13.18 ) для WoW Classic ( 1.13.2 ) –

Boss Mods WoW Dragonflight Addons

In every boss fight, even pro players need some help with someone telling them what will happen next during the boss fight. This information helps to prevent unnecessary damage and use your spells in correct time and order. For these purposes, here is the list of addons that will help you during the boss fights. 

During a boss fight, you always need someone to tell you when and what to expect from the boss. For these purposes, the boss modes were made. Such addons are very useful and are even used by the best players. The information that addon gives helps you to avoid unnecessary damage and use your spell properly and on time.


As we said before, DBM is the most popular addon on Curseforge. This addon tells you whenever something is about to happen during any boss fight. It allows you to know bosses better and to perform better.

Big Wigs

BigWigs is a powerful boss addon providing the same experience as DBM. It helps you to perform better and to know the timings of bosses. Both of the addons are widely used and very important for most of the players.


GTFO is an alert addon, which tells you not to stand in zones you are not supposed to stand during a boss fight. Helps a lot when you don’t see a void zone in the heart of battle. The name speaks for itself – GTFO.

Customizing DBM

After installing DBM, you can open the settings window by clicking on the minimap icon or typing /dbm into your chat window. The settings interface has two tabs: Bosses and Options.

Settings: Bosses

The Bosses tab allows you to customize settings for particular bosses, including which abilities have warnings and timer bars. You can also set up and customize the automatic use of icons on important targets and warnings that your character will send through chat to communicate with raid members.

You can customize the settings for a particular boss in DBM’s settings

For the most part, you will not need to customize these settings, but it is helpful to know it is possible if you or your group struggles with a particular mechanic.

Settings: Options

The Options tab gives you the ability to customize many settings across all fights — unlike the Bosses tab, which is fight-specific. You can use these settings to change general options, alerts, timers, filters, and frames. If you click on the top level of each of these categories, you will find links helpful links for setup and customization.

You can change many settings of deadly boss mods by accessing the options window.

Diving into each of these components is beyond the scope of this article because there are so many different things DBM can do. However, I want to show you a few important customizations that should give you an idea of how flexible the addon is.

  • General Options – Run test bars for setup, show time remaining to accept group invites, automatic combat logging, customize sounds, create profiles to save your settings.
  • Alerts – Customize position, colors, and sounds used for alerts. There are so many sounds included, from lines spoken by WoW characters to cats meowing.
  • Timers – Customize color, position, and behavior of timer bars,
  • Global Disables & Filters – Turn off features in DBM, filter warnings based on roles, set up preferences for the way whispers are handled during combat,
  • Frames & Integrations – Change setting for DBM info frame, nameplate integrations, and range frame.

DBM Slash Commands

p http-equiv=»Content-Type» content=»text/html;charset=UTF-8″>an id=»ezoic-pub-ad-placeholder-114″ class=»ezoic-adpicker-ad»>In addition to timers, bars, and other great information, DBM has several supported slash commands. These are commands which you can type into your chat box to access or set up additional functionality.

As a quick overview, some of the slash commands you can use include:

  • /dbm help: Shows a list of personal slash commands.
  • /dbm help2: Shows list of slash commands used for raid management
  • /dbm unlock: Shows a movable status bar timer. You can also type /dbm move.
  • /range <number>: Shows range frame. Example: /range 5 displays a circle indicator with a radius of 5. Very helpful for mechanics where you need to spread.
  • /hudar <number>: Shows HUD based range finder around your character.
  • /dbm timer: Starts a custom DBM timer. Example: /dbm timer 10 Danger will display a 10 second timer bar with the word Danger.
  • /dbm arrow: Shows the DBM arrow which can be set to point towards a world coordinate, zone map coordinate, or another player.
  • /dbm hud: Similar to the arrow command, allows you to point to a target, focus, or another player. The default duration is 20 minutes and can be removed with /dbm hud hide.
  • /dbm pull <sec>: Sends a pull timer for a custom number of seconds to the raid if you have the raid permissions to do so; example, /dbm pull 10.
  • /dbm break <min>: Similar to the pull command, sends a notification of break time to the raid with a custom number of minutes.
  • /dbm version: Checks the version of DBM installed by members of your raid group, using /dbm version2 will also send users a message if their AddOn is out of date.
  • /dbm lockout: Checks the boss lockout status of raid members.
  • /dbm lag: Checks raid member latency to test for lag.
  • /dbm durability: Checks durability status of raid members gear.

Final Thoughts and Important Links

Deadly Boss Mods is a great addon for new and experienced players alike. While it works extremely well without additional customizations, it has the power to be adjusted to your play style and preferences. For content like raiding and dungeons, having a tool like DBM is pretty much mandatory.

If you are interested in learning more about Deadly Boss Mods or supporting its creation, check out the following links:

GitHub – For documentation and contribution

– For news and updates

Patreon – To support development

Zygor’s WoW Leveling Addon

Zygor is a WoW leveling addon/guide to help you reach level 70 quickly and easily in Dragonflight, or level up in WoW Classic for that matter. When you become a subscriber to Zygor guides, you get access to all their WoW leveling guides for Dragonflight AND all their WoW Classic guides including leveling, professions, dungeons and more with the same purchase, including all updates and upgrades as long as you’re a member. If you no longer want or need the guides, simply cancel your subscription and it won’t renew.

Zygor Guides have been around for well over 10 years, and have been updated for all expansions. Their leveling addon is updated for Dragonflight and I have personally used it to level from 60 to 70 with excellent results. Typically, Zygor releases a fully working leveling guide for new expansions before they are released.

All of Zygor’s leveling guides and other WoW guides are available in their in-game addon so you can view them inside WoW, which is very convenient.

You can use them to level in World of Warcraft, including Draonflight, and WoW Classic (including WotLK) because they cover all versions.

So how does it work? Zygor’s addon will give you a waypoint arrow and a small window with instructions that show you where to go and exactly what to do all the time, whether you should accept a quest, kill some mobs, use an item, turn in a quest, gather items or anything else. Before you know it, you’ll be level 70. The addon interface and the leveling paths are great too, in my experience. You can also jump in at any level. Zygor has been the most popular leveling addon for years, and I expect that to continue with Dragonflight. Whether you want to play Horde or Alliance or both, WoW Dragonflight or WoW Classic, Zygor has you covered. Visit Zygor’s official website.

Аддоны для рейдов и подземелий WoW БФА 8.1.5

DBM (Deadly Boss Mods)

Один из мастхэв аддонов для рейдинга. Показывает энкаунтеры боссов, фазы. Всплывающие подсказки помогут вовремя делать то, что нужно, исходя из боя.

Raider.IO Mythic Plus and Raid Progress

Аддон позволяет быстро посмотреть информацию о статистике игрока из сайта Облегчает задачу набору в группу игроков, т.к. показывает их прогресс и рекорды в мифик+ подземельях, а также кол-во очков по rio.


Отслеживает и показывает всю статистику боя по урону и исцелению. Таблица ДПС и ХПС наглядно будет прямо перед вашими глазами в любое время. Не занимает много ОЗУ.


Полезный аддон для рейдов и подземелий. Подсказывает, когда вы стоите там, где стоять не должны, например в луже или огне. Иногда успевает это делать еще перед тем, как вы получите урон.


Аддон-энкаунтер. Показывает предупреждающие сообщения, тайм-бары, звуки и другие специфичные сообщения для рейдов.

WeakAuras 2

Очень полезный и необходимый аддон. Может показывать, сколько еще на цели будет держаться тот или иной эффект от ваших способностей наглядно, хоть по центру экрана. также может показывать КД способностей, баффы/дебаффы и т.п.

Визуально, текстом и звуками подсказывает о кулдаунах, баффах/дебаффах и других полезных элементах в бою

Обязательный аддон для хилов. Помогает оптимизировать процесс лечения союзников и делать различные бинды.

MaxDPS Rotation Helper

Аддон помогает поддерживать правильную ротацию для каждого класса/спека(только ДД) чтобы выдавать максимальный ДПС в рейдах и мифик. Рассчитывает, какая способность в конкретный момент принесет больше пользы и подсвечивает ее игроку.


Помогает выжать максимальный ДПС, подсказывая, какую способность использовать в данный момент более рационально с учетом ваших талантов и экипировки. Работает вкупе с аддоном SimCraft, используя собранные им данные.

Также вы можете выбирать из большого списка лучших аддонов для WoW BFA на сайте


Bartender is an addon that changes your hotbars. You can customize your hotbars with this addon by changing their scale, slots, transparency, and gaps to make your screen tidier.

The addon also lets you add hotkeys to your abilities, which is very handy for playing competitively.

There’s also some class-specific utility for Bartender, too.

If you are playing a Rogue spec, for example, you’ll know that all of the specs have different hotbars when you’re in stealth. Having the ability to change hotbars and adjust them is very useful for managing these different specs and their unique abilities.

Main Features

DBM has many core features and capabilities, but two in particular, the Raid Warnings and Timer Bars, stand out the most as what you will most commonly be utilizing. Below is a brief overview of how these features appear and what makes them so useful.

Raid Warnings

One of the most important features of DBM is its warnings made specifically for each boss encounter to alert players on how to react to certain mechanics or boss abilities. These warnings appear in a variety of ways such as popup text and sound effects. DBM will also have your character say information, announcing to other players that you are effected by something like a debuff and often with a countdown or target marker.

Warnings change depending on the situation, with severe mechanics having more attention grabbing effects such as the screen flashing or a louder sound effect. Some warnings are more specialized too, such as playing a sound that tells you to move away from others when receiving a debuff that could harm the raid. There are even warnings specific to the player specialization, warning healers when to dispel and tanks when to taunt. These features can not only help increase your awareness and reaction times, but also assist in correctly doing mechanics you have forgotten or have not seen before.

How warnings look during setup.

Example of a warning message during a raid encounter.

Timer Bars

A large portion of boss abilities and mechanics are scripted or happen at specific times. DBM provides timer bars that track major events so that preparing for them is an easy task. It organizes them into larger and smaller bars, with the larger bars being events that are going to happen sooner. These timers are essential for planning ahead, which can make a world of difference for your performance in a group. Knowing what a boss will do before it even happens is invaluable in any PvE situation.

  • Tanks can see when deadly tank mechanics are due to take place, allowing them to plan their defensive abilities and be more efficient with resources.
  • Healers can better decide on using or saving large healing cooldowns to increase the survivability, as using a strong ability at the wrong time can be the difference between a kill and a wipe.
  • Damage dealers can plan ahead by saving cooldowns or resources for extra enemy spawns or times when the boss is vulnerable for maximum DPS. Staying alive is also important, so knowing when to use a defensive ability can prevent you from dying, especially on higher level M+ and affixes such as Tyrannical.

The timer bars in the image above are from the encounter with Вариматрас . But as a DPS player, I am most likely not interested in keeping track of when he uses Теневой удар as it is primarily a tank mechanic. Luckily, changing which timers appear is an easy task.

  1. First open up the settings interface by typing /dbm in chat.
  2. On the left you should see a list of raids. Expand the one you are interested in and select the boss you want to change timers for.
  3. Scroll down to the section of settings that says «Bars» an uncheck the mechanics you don»t want tracked as a timer. The image bellow shows the check boxes to select.
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: