Out of the Box
- DPS and HPS Recording Method: Effective Time calculates values using the raw amount of healing or damage done over the whole time spent in combat. Activity Time pauses the combat timer when everyone in the group stops attacking or healing, even if they are still in combat. Effective time is generally considered the most accurate method to use, as online combat logging websites use this method for rankings. I would suggest selecting Effective Time.
- Prefered Numeral System: This one is easy, just pick the system you personally use.
- Quick Appearance Settings: This portion of the setup gives you the core appearance options.Details helps you set up the appearance right after installation.Skin: These are preset options for the Details window. Simply pick the one you like the most, or one that matches your UI. Keep in mind that settings such as text size and font can be changed later!
- Create Second Window: Clicking this will do exactly what you think it will, create a second window. This is useful if you want to view two sets of information at the same time, such as DPS and HPS.
- Change Color: Lets you change the color of your windows.
- Show Statusbar: The statusbar is a bar at the bottom of the window. It shows extra information such as time spent in combat, total group DPS, or your game’s frame rate. It is not required to use other core features, so using it is entirely up to you.
- Texture: The texture setting changes the appearance of the bars inside the window.
- Icons: This setting changes the icons on the left side of each bar. By default it will show the icon corresponding to the specialization of that player.
Bar Update Speed:
- Update Speed is the time in seconds between updating the bars and numerical values.
- Enable Animations causes the bars to slide back and forth smoothly as values change. When disabled, the bars move to the new position instantly.
- The last option will cause DPS and HPS values to update in real time as they occur, which looks really cool. Recommended for people that record gameplay or live stream.
Navigating the Interface
Each icon is used for navigating Details’ features.
Settings: Clicking this icon opens Details’ settings window. The majority of these settings are related to how the addon looks and behaves, but is also how you access some of the extra features. Hovering over this icon shows a quick menu with options to close the window or create a new one as well as accessing plugins.
The settings icon is used to open addon settings and access extra features like plugins.
Segment Selection: When you hover over this icon, a list of recent instances of combat will pop up. Here you can select which fights you want to see information for. For example, if you want to see how much damage you did on a previous boss in a dungeon, you can mouse over the icon and select that boss. The window will then display information specific to the combat with that boss.
Older fights are listed higher on the list. Red segments are wipes, while green segments are kills.
Display Selection: This is where the core of the navigation takes place. When you mouse over this icon, a menu pops up where you can select which type of information display you want to view. It organizes the info into sub-menus of Damage, Heal, Resources, Miscellaneous, and Custom. Custom has more advanced info such as damage done to marked targets and Crowd Control (CC) effects used. Users with knowledge of addon coding can create their own custom displays. You can also right click any blank space on the title bar to show an expanded list of displays.
Each display is organized into damage, healing, resources, miscellaneous, or custom.
Reporting: Clicking this icon reports information from Details to your chat. A window will appear allowing you to select how many lines of info you want to report, as well as which chat you would like to report to. Using reports you can provide information to others in the group who may not have an addon to view it themselves.
Options that appear when reporting to chat. Example of how chat reports look. - Data Resetting: The final icon on the window title bar is the data reset icon. Here you can manually reset any information Details has recorded, clearing the data. By default, Details will ask if you would like to clear data any time you enter a new instance so that the overall data stays specific to that instance. By going to the addon settings (typing «/details options» in chat or clicking the settings icon in the title bar) under General Settings > Display, you can change this behavior to happen automatically instead of asking, or to never prompt or clear unless you do so manually.
- As an example, let’s assume we are wanting to view interrupts used against a boss. Start by hovering over the segment selection icon.
Select the desired combat segment.
Next, hover over the Display Selection icon. Go to Miscellaneous then click Interrupts.
The window will now update to show interrupts used by each player for that fight!
- To go back to DPS on the current segment, simply follow these same steps, except selecting “Current Segment” at the bottom of the Segment Selector and Damage > Damage Done in the Display Selector.
- Start by right clicking one of your Details windows. This will change the display to the bookmark menu.
- Click one of the open “add book” slots. This will bring up a display selection menu.
- In the display selection menu, click the information display you want to make a bookmark for.
- Once added, you can quickly access that information display simply by right clicking to bring up the bookmark menu, then clicking on the bookmark!
Right clicking in a window displays the bookmarks menu. | Simply select a display to create the bookmark. |
The location in settings for bookmark management.
Window Control
Windows can be managed directly from the settings icon menu.
- Click on the Settings icon or type «/details options» in chat to open the Details addon settings.
- In the “Appearance” section, select “Window: General” to open general window options.
- In the bottom right of these settings, you can select a window from the drop down menu. Clicking delete will permanently delete that window.
The location in settings for deleting windows.
Details will automatically tell you which group the window would be joining.
Lock windows to prevent accidentally moving or resizing them.
- Open the addon settings by clicking the settings icon or typing ‘/details options’ in chat.
- Under “Advanced”, select “Plugins Management”.
- From here, you can click the checkbox next to each plugin to enable or disable them. Here you can also view individual options for each plugin.
Above is where you can find the settings for enabling/disabling plugins.
Encounter Details: This plugin provides consolidated information about an encounter. The main information is a summary of the fight, which is a consolidated location to view much of the information Details records about an encounter. At the top, you can select different tabs for more info, including charts, boss voice lines, specific DPS and HPS by phase of the fight, as well as a tab for displaying spells and abilities from the fight for quick weak aura creation. After an encounter, an icon of a skull appears on the title bar of your Details windows. Clicking this opens the plugin.
Encounter Details shows multiple information displays at once to give a summary of the encounter.
Time Line: This plugin shows a time graph of cool downs used by members of your group over the duration of an encounter. It also displays debuffs received and when deaths occured. This plugin is great for identifying problem areas such as bad defensive usage or taking too many avoidable debuffs. Like Encounter Details, an icon of a play button appears on the title bar after an encounter.
Raid Check: While inside a raid instance, Raid Check displays a potion icon in the title bar. Hovering over this icon will display group information such as who is using flasks, food, and pre-potions. You can also see the ilvl of raid members.
- Tiny Threat: Tiny Threat is a simple plugin that displays the amount of threat players are generating for your active target.
- Vanguard: This is an interesting plugin that gives extra information about tanks. It shows debuffs on tanks in the raid as well as a graphic for incoming healing and damage in the last hits they have taken.
- Time Attack: This plugin is for solo use. It measures your DPS over a set amount of time, saving results for review. This is a great tool for people that want to test different gear and talent builds on target dummies.
- Dps Tuning: Another solo plugin similar to Time Attack. It gives more detailed information for spells and buffs as well as graphs for your abilities.
- Damage, the Game!: A solo plugin. Turns training on target dummies into a game with challenges.
- Streamer: This plugin is a great tool for people who stream or record gameplay. It has several features such as a window that displays all of your ability uses and casts in the order you use them, making it easier for viewers to see what you are doing.
Core Features
- Damage per second done by each player.
- Healing per second done by each player.
- The amount of damage taken by each player.
- When and how a player died in an encounter.
- How much damage each player dealt to specific enemies.
- How many interrupts/dispels were used by a player and what it was that they interrupted/dispeled.
- Player resource usage.
Detailed DPS and HPS Information
Clicking on a bar in the DPS display provides a window with more info. | The compare tab is a great tool for determining where damage breakdowns may have differed between players. |
- The Auras tab gives information on all buffs and debuffs you recieved. Here you can also quickly created a Weak Aura for these buffs and debuffs to help track them (see the Weak Aura Creator and Spell List section later in this guide for more info on how to use this feature).
- The Compare tab allows you to see a side by side comparison of others in your group who play the same class and spec. This is a great tool for determining the cause of differences in damage or healing breakdowns.
Shows specialization, talents, and item level.
Extra Tools
Weak Aura Creation and Spells List
Here is a detailed guide on Weak Auras and how to use it.Deadly Boss ModsBigWigs
Spell List is great for finding info needed to make Weak Auras. | Weak Aura Creation tool is great for making a quick auras for specific abilities. |
Other Extras
- Guild DPS and HPS Stats: This feature records the DPS and HPS values for your guild raids. It is a neat way to how you are doing compared to your fellow raiders.
Interrupt announcements: In the settings under Advanced > Raid Tools, you can enable Details to post a chat message for you any time you successfully land an interrupt. This can be useful for helping to organize interrupt rotations.
- Cooldown Announcements: Essentially the same as the interrupt announcing, except it triggers when using certain CDs. This can be especially useful for healers so that the raid knows when you are using a large healing CD.
- Death Announcements: Just like the previous two features, this one posts in chat when a member of the raid or group dies. It also gives some information, like what damage caused the killing blow. Useful for quickly identifying what caused a death.
First Hit and Pre Potion Usage: When enabled, these options inform you with who was the first person to pull a boss as well as which members of the group used a pre potion before combat started. Useful for raid leads or identifying that one guy that always pulls early.
- Nicknames for Guild Members: In the general settings, you can set a nickname for yourself which changes what name appears for you on the bars in the Details windows. This name also changes for members of your guild.
Customizing the Appearance
- In the bottom right of the options interface, you can pick which window you want to change the settings for. If you check the “Editing Group” box, it will apply the changes to all windows grouped with the one you are editing.
- You can have Details create test bars so you don’t have to get into combat every time you want to see how the changes look. The button for this can be found at the bottom left corner of the settings.
- Skin Selection: Allows you to change the baseline skin for you Details windows. Keep in mind that changing skins will reset appearance settings to default for that skin!
- Bars: General: General settings for the bars that appear within Details windows. Here you can change settings such as the color and texture, icons, direction the bars are oriented, the height and spacing between bars, and border around the bars.
- Bars: Text: Settings for changing the text that appears on the bars. Here you can change text color, size, formatting of the text, outlines/shadows, and even set custom text for displaying the information.
- Bars: Advanced: This menu has more advanced options such as 3D models and a “Total Bar”, which is a bar showing the cumulative DPS/HPS for a group. You can also find an option to enable slightly faster bar updating and an option for always showing yourself in the window (useful for tanks or healers that want to see their DPS without needing a large window).
- Title Bar: General: As you would expect, options for how the title bar appears can be found in this menu. Options such as the size, which icons appear on it, where the icons are positioned, and the font size of the menus that appear when hovering over icons. Other options related to the icon menus can be found here as well.
- Title Bar: Text: Basic settings for the text that appears in the title bar. Includes position, size, and color. Also has an option for displaying an encounter timer.
- Window: General: General settings for the windows. This has a large amount of options such as setting colors, changing the scaling of the windows, disabling grouping and resizing, and setting the strata level for the window. (Strata level determines if the window appears over or under other elements of your WoW UI. High strata levels with keep the window on top of other elements, while low will make it appear behind them.) Options to enable the statusbar are located here as well. The statusbar is a small bar at the bottom of the window (disabled by default) that can be customized to show information such as total raid DPS, encounter time, gear durability, frame rate, and more.
- Window: Automatization: The options here allow you to set automatic behaviors for the windows. For example, you can set the window to automatically swap to the DPS display whenever you begin combat, or to the damage taken display after a wipe. You can even set up specific behavior depending on your current spec. There is also an option have it automatically hide/show the window when in combat, out of combat, or not in a group. Lastly, there is an option to make the window become transparent when mousing over.
- Window: Wallpaper: Here you can set a background image for the window. This can be a texture or an image file from your computer.
- Streamer Settings: Streamer is a plugin for Details (see the below section for more on plugins) that adds some cool features perfect for those who stream or record gameplay. Here you can enable some cool graphics such as a window that shows your ability usage and targets, a window that displays cooldown usage, or a larger display for total group dps (can also show enemy team DPS for arenas).