Как настроить миникарту вов

Open World and Questing

World Quest Tracker

Shows all available world quests and their rewards on the map. Features include a custom tracker for the quests you want to complete, and showing those quests on the fly map to ease your navigation. Warns about world quests that are ending in less than 2 hours.

World Quests List

Compact list of all world quests with a looking for a group functionality – allows to create or find groups for world quests. You can filter and sort world quests by rewards, faction, zone, and by the time left. Includes a helper for various world quest mini-games.


A library-addon with a lot of additional modules, and the main function of an interactive map. Shows useful information about entrances to dungeons, valuable resources, chests, etc.


This addon is a database that is scanning the map for the rare mobs, chests, and treasures. When it finds an item from the list, you will get a sound and visual notification on your screen, and lock the target if its an NPC. When you click the button it will add a skull over the NPC, making it easier to find it.

TomCat’s Tours

Your guide to finding all the rare mobs around the world. This is a core addon for many separate Tours – these can be found and downloaded from the complete tour package on this page. Addon allows you to view all of the rares locations on the world map and the zone mini-map. The star mark means that you can still kill and loot the rare.

Projects that are alternatives of or similar to Sexymap

Stars: ✭ 28 (-24.32%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

WildpantsShared services between Bagnon and Combuctor. Pants are a dangerous foe indeed.
Stars: ✭ 19 (-48.65%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

Weakauras2World of Warcraft addon that provides a powerful framework to display customizable graphics on your screen.
Stars: ✭ 731 (+1875.68%)

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RaidBrowserBringing LFR to Wrath of the Lich King
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BlizzCMSBlizzCMS is an Open Source CMS for World of Warcraft emulators. Developed from Codeigniter 3, with a lot of love and effort. Not for profit.
Stars: ✭ 33 (-10.81%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

DungeontoolsFork of Nnoga’s Mythic Dungeon Tools addon to restore mob data and improve upon the base code!
Stars: ✭ 329 (+789.19%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

WoWHead-PHP-ExtractorsCompare your database with WoWHead and find missing data
Stars: ✭ 14 (-62.16%)

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ElunamangoswotlkcMaNGOS Three (WoTLK) with Eluna
Stars: ✭ 8 (-78.38%)

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tc-client-launcherWorld of Warcraft client launcher with autologin feature for TrinityCore based servers
Stars: ✭ 20 (-45.95%)

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CursebreakerTUI/CLI addon updater for World of Warcraft.
Stars: ✭ 597 (+1513.51%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

CappingBattleground timers and other PvP features.
Stars: ✭ 18 (-51.35%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

RarityCollectibles and statistics tracking addon for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Stars: ✭ 27 (-27.03%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

WowanalyzerWoWAnalyzer is a tool to help you analyze and improve your World of Warcraft raiding performance through various relevant metrics and gameplay suggestions.
Stars: ✭ 371 (+902.7%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

Total-RP-3The best roleplaying add-on for World of Warcraft.
Stars: ✭ 25 (-32.43%)

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AjourA World of Warcraft addon manager written in Rust.
Stars: ✭ 803 (+2070.27%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

simc-discordSimulationCraft Bot for discord.
Stars: ✭ 11 (-70.27%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

ArcemuWorld Of Warcraft 3.3.5a server package
Stars: ✭ 281 (+659.46%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

Ls uiDevelopment repository of ls: UI
Stars: ✭ 29 (-21.62%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

Premade Groups FilterA World of Warcraft addon for powerful filtering of premade group listings
Stars: ✭ 26 (-29.73%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

WowupWowUp the World of Warcraft addon updater
Stars: ✭ 564 (+1424.32%)

Mutual labels: world-of-warcraft

Raid Addons

Deadly Boss Mods (DBM)

One of the most useful addons that you should not be playing without. DBM provides real-time alerts for all events during the boss fights, making them easier in a sense, by allowing you to plan your actions a few steps ahead. Addon will warn you about dangerous abilities or give you simple suggestions on what to.

The main features of the addon are the Raid Warnings and Timer Bars, each made specifically for different boss encounters to alert players about approaching mechanics and abilities. Warnings can appear as a popup text and sound effects, as well as making your character announce to the party if affected by some debuff. Timer Bars track scripted events that occur at specific times during the fight and knowing that makes a huge difference in raiding. Players will be able to prepare for the coming mechanics, efficiently utilize cooldowns and class resources.

Raid Leader can create custom timers to coordinate the group – such as pull timer before the boss fight, or a break. These timers can be created by typing /pull (duration) or /break (duration) in the chat.

And there is one more nice little feature build in this addon – an auto-reply message while you’re in a boss fight. So, whenever you get a whisper from another person, an automated message will be sent, telling that you are busy at the moment, and containing information about the fight you engaged in, boss name, and the remaining HP percent. And then it will send another message once the fight ends.

On the CurseForge page, you can download additional mods and packs, such as Event Sound Packs, Countdown Packs, Voice Packs, and the old content raid packages for previous expansions.

BigWigs Boss Mods

Similar in its functionality to DBM – provides warning messages during encounters, but with more in-depth customization options for the timer bars and warning effects. While DMB is a more of a «download and ready to go» type of addon, with BigWigs you can manually set up warnings to conform to your preferences, change the color of bars, and prioritize certain events or emphasize certain spells. In a sense, Big Wigs is less spamming when it comes to notifications and sound effects than DBM, but in the end, it’s all up to personal preference.

Exorsus Raid Tools

An indispensable instrument for a raid leader, which simplifies many aspects of the game and provides the necessary information to improve the experience in the role of RL. But it’s also a helpful addon for other raiders. Main features include Raid Check, to see buffs, elixirs, food of raid members, Combat Analysis, and Raid Inspect to see player roles, talents, gear, and other information. Among other notable modules, there is an auto-invite tool, Bossmods for certain encounters, and WeakAuras checker.


The name of the addon speaks for itself – it alerts players if they’re standing in avoidable enemy AoE attacks and suggests them, with an audio alert, to move out. Or die trying. These warnings can save many lives of those who simply did not notice certain mechanics during an encounter. Especially useful for players running the game on minimal settings with visual effects tuned down or turned off completely, for sake of performance.

Увеличение интерфейса в World Of Warcraft

Многие игроки при первом входе в игру задают себе вопрос: «Как увеличить размер интерфейса в WoW?». На широкоформатных мониторах при разрешении экрана 1920х1080 размеры миникарты, окон с заданиями и фреймы с персонажем оказываются очень маленькими. Приходится реально напрягать глаза и вчитываться в мелкий шрифт.

Чтобы увеличить стандартный интерфейс в игре World Of Warcraft потребуется:

1. Нажать клавишу Esc и зайти в Настройки. 2. Перейти во вкладку «Дополнительные». 3. Поставить галочку напротив «Масштаб интерфейса». 4. Отрегулировать нужный размер с помощью ползунка и нажать «Применить».

Теперь размер всех окон примет нужный Вам вид и играть станет намного комфортнее.

Как увеличить шрифт в WoW – нюансы и подводные камни

Стоит отметить, что результат целиком зависит от конкретных диалогов, квестовых миссий и реплик персонажей. Иногда текстовые заметки, касающиеся описания чего-либо, могут оказаться весьма обширными. В этом случае растягивание окошка приведёт к искажению текста. На практике такие ситуации встречаются редко.

Можно ли играть в «Мир Варкрафта» на телевизоре?

Без проблем, если речь о современных панелях с минимальным эффектом зернистости. В этом случае читаемость получается достаточно высокой для комфортного геймплея. Ходят слухи о портировании MMORPG на консоли от Sony и Microsoft, однако официального подтверждения они не получили.

WoW Auras

WeakAuras 2

An indispensable tool for every player seeking to get the maximum out of the game. It’s easily the most complex addon, but the road to the stars lies through hardships. This multifunctional tool allows an incredible level of customizability for all sorts of visual hints related to buffs, debuffs, abilities, and other status effects. You can set up animations, sound effects, and other visual clues to keep track of player or boss abilities, combinations of spells, item procs, and cooldowns.

Words about the complexity of addon could have frightened you – we assure you, there is nothing to be afraid of. Addon has one more wonderful feature – if you don’t see yourself programming your custom auras, you can import templates from other players. On this website, you can find all sorts of pre-built Weak Auras for all classes, for PvE Scenarios, PvP battles, and other game aspects. Additionally, you can Import WeakAuras from the Wowhead database, right from the spell information page.

To keep track of updates to your weak auras, as you do with other addons using the Twitch client, you can use a simple program called WeakAuras Companion App. This desktop app will help you keep all your complex auras, such as raid warning or Mythic+ related tools, up to date in a few clicks.


Similar in its functionality to previously mentioned WeakAuras, yet with a more user-friendly approach. It’s a viable option to consider for beginners, but if you’re not afraid of going through a few difficulties, you can go straight for the Weak Auras. Providing visual, audio and text notifications TMW allows you to keep track of Buffs/Debuffs, cooldowns, enchantment procs, trinket effects, and many other things. You can setup the transparency of icons based on the given conditions, such as an active buff, or combat status. To lock and unlock the addon, you can use the chat commands: /tmw or /tellmewhen.


An important addon for classes that can dispel negative effects, such as poisons, diseases, charms, curses, or magic. It will help you remove these effects just in a few clicks. Easy to configure and to use – you can set up addon to filter out afflictions if you think they are not worth dispelling and prioritize the cleansing work by choosing what you can and want to dispel. Additionally, if you’re a Mage, Druid, or a Shaman, the addon will highlight mind-controlled player for you to Polymorph, Cyclone, or Hex them.

Параметры редактирования панели действий в World of Warcraft

Одним из элементов HUD, с которым пользователям будет наиболее интересно взаимодействовать, будут настройки панели действий. Панели действий содержат способности персонажей, которые можно использовать нажатием клавиши или щелчком мыши. и возможность настраивать их в World of Warcraft. Чтобы приступить к настройке панелей действий:

  • войдите в режим редактирования, нажав клавишу ESC и перейдя к кнопке Режим редактирования
  • щелкнув левой кнопкой мыши. на панели действий и найдите появившееся окно редактирования.

Отсюда у игроков есть несколько новых опций, которые они могут использовать для редактирования своих панелей действий. Вот что делает каждый параметр:

  • Ориентация — переключение между горизонтальной или вертикальной панелью действий.
  • Количество строк — изменяет полосу действий с одной строки на поле (до 4215;3)
  • Количество значков — изменяет количество значков в списке (от 6 до 12)
  • Размер значка — увеличивает размер значков внутри панели действий, что также увеличивает размер пользовательского интерфейса.
  • Заполнение значков — кернинг панели действий
  • Hide Bar Art — удаляет графические концы панелей действий.
  • Hide Bar Scrolling — удаляет стрелки, позволяющие перемещать панели действий.

Лучшие аддоны для Shadowlands Dungeons

QE Dungeon Tips

Сомнительно эпические (QE) советы по подземельям — отличный аддон, когда вы пытаетесь изучить новое подземелье.

Всякий раз, когда вы входите в подземелье, появляется аккуратное серое поле, которое дает вам сводку из 2-3 предложений о том, как победить выбранного моба или босса. В частности, он покажет вам советы для следующего:

  • Вещи, чтобы увернуться
  • Мобы, которых можно пропустить
  • Заклинания для удара (прерывание)
  • Способности с высоким уроном
  • Цели, которые вы должны CC

Аддон также очень умен и будет обновляться в зависимости от того, какую роль вы играете. Итак, если вы заняты тем, что надеваете свой танк… вы можете использовать этого плохого мальчика, чтобы помнить, какие способности нуждаются в перезарядке.

Этот аддон чрезвычайно полезен, если вы смотрите руководство, но всегда забываете, что все делает в бою. Если вы только начинаете изучать подземелья, очень рекомендую!

Всплывающие подсказки в QE Dungeon Tips помогут вам запомнить важную механику

Mythic Dungeon Tools

Хотя Mythic Dungeon Tools (MDT) существует уже некоторое время, он является отличным дополнением для любого расширения. Если вы не использовали MDT, это дополнение, которое показывает всех мобов в каждом подземелье в игре. Более того, он позволяет вам планировать маршруты и делиться ими с членами группы.

Есть также много членов сообщества, которые публикуют свои маршруты для всех. Самые популярные маршруты созданы Dratnos и публикуются на сайте raider.io каждую неделю для игроков в мифик+.

Вы можете видеть всех врагов в подземелье и планировать свои маршруты с помощью Mythic Dungeon Tools.

Maze Helper (Mists of Tirna Scithe)

Если вы прошли подземелье Mist of Tirna Scithe… есть большая вероятность, что ваша группа провалила игровую механику угадывания. Что ж, не бойтесь тумана больше с этим полезным маленьким аддоном.

Помощник по лабиринту открывает окно при входе в окутанный лес (и бой с боссом) со всеми возможными символами. Затем вы можете щелкнуть символ, чтобы выбрать его, и щелкнуть еще раз, чтобы отменить выбор. После того, как вы введете 4 символа, правильный будет выделен зеленым контуром.

Чтобы сделать ситуацию еще лучше, в верхнем левом углу окна есть опция «объявить», которую можно щелкнуть, чтобы отправить правильный ответ в групповой чат! Вместо того, чтобы бегать между столбами несколько раз, вы можете проверить столб и отметить его в аддоне, а затем перейти к следующему.

Rune Helper (Tazavesh, the Veiled Market)

Следующее дополнение для подземелий, которое вам нужно, если вы серьезно относитесь к нажатию клавиш, — это аддон Rune Helper для Тазавеш. Этот отличный инструмент поможет вам сообщить о размещении сферы вашей группе во время битвы с Хилбрандом в Тазавеше.

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это открыть консоль и сопоставить показанные места с квадратами в дополнении. Как только вы это сделаете, нажмите «Объявить», чтобы отправить правильное позиционирование в групповой чат, и все готово!

Character management addons


With the release of Legion expansion, some of the character stats were hidden from the default interface. You can uncover that information with the advanced display of the character stats, containing all the comprehensive information you want to see. Optionally displays current and maximum available item level of gear, displays each equipped item’s level, total durability and repair costs, Enhancements, and Defense stats.


Useful mod to compare an inspected gear with the equipped one to find upgrades. This great feature is missing from the default UI. A comprehensive analysis will give you an exact percentage of the power difference between the items and even suggest which gem to use. To properly configure this addon, you will need to get the Pawnstrings for your character using the SimulationCraft. More details can be found in our SimulationCraft guide.


This small addon is making a process of generating a Simcraft profile of your character much easier with a single chat command: /simc. Copy the popped up information and paste it into the simulation window. To learn more about the simulation process you can read our SimulationCraft guide.


The solution to the messy default version of the WoW inventory. It replaces all the separate bags with one simple-to-view large inventory and brings other must-have features, such as checking the items in the bank and even checking items of your alternative characters. All the items in the inventory are colored based on their quality, making it much easier to distinguish and sort them out.

BFA ToDo (Legion ToDo)

Soon to become the Shadowlands ToDo, this addon’s purpose is to track the information about all of your characters in a handy list. Includes the most important weekly objectives, such as Raid and Dungeon lockouts, current weekly max M+ done, bonus roll seals, and relevant currencies. Convenient addon to keep track of your weekly progress and never miss important stuff.


Elv User Interface, known as ElvUI, is a full UI replacement. It completely replaces all elements of the default interface – it is a complex structure with integrated addons and plugins. As such, many of the interface elements will never require you to install additional addons, but simply to configure particular functions using the ElvUI menu. The ElvUI menu can be accessed using the Game Menu, or with a special chat command: /ec

ElvUI combines many of the most popular interface improvements, such as raid frames, spell bar, bags configuration. 

Useful informative displays are also worth mentioning – you can easily track the amount of currency or resources you are interested in, the strength of the reservation, the number of available slots in the bag, etc.

We won’t go through all the ElvUI features here – it will require a separate guide for customizing that comprehensive UI. However, let us share a useful tip: you can find ready-to-go custom builds on a special forum page and the Wago portal. Many of these builds are perfectly optimized for certain classes and roles – check them out and you’ll probably find something to your liking!

Oh, and unline most of the Addons, you won’t be able to update ElvUI using the Twitch App or Curse. You will have to update it manually using the Tukui Client. A small price to pay for this wonderful addon.

WoW Panels

Action bars presented in the default Blizzard interface are one of the most outdated parts of the interface – they lack much-needed information and customization options Let’s see what can be done about that.

Bartender 4

Gives you full control over all 10 action bars and related bars, such as stance, pet, bag, and XP bars. You can customize their position, size, transparency, and easily bind Hotkeys using the KeyBound.

You can open the configuration using command /bt or /bartender. To use the KeyBound and setup your keybindings, type /kb and hover your mouse over a button, press the keyboard, and it’s done!


The name speaks for itself. It’s a great tool to adjust absolutely all of the UI elements. Unlimited power over action bars, portraits, minimap, and everything else out there. You can move, scale, hide, or adjust the transparency of any element. To access the main settings window, type /move.


Size matters not. Look at this addon. Judge it by its size, do you? Like Master Yoda, the addon is small but extremely effective. The main function is adding text to the icons on your action bar, allowing you to see cooldowns on your abilities shown in numbers. Highly customizable, you can get very precise numbers, down to milliseconds. With the OmniCC you will always know for sure when your abilities will be ready to use!

WoW Castbars


If you’d like to make your casting bar much more visible and easy to see, the Quartz is a good choice. With this addon, you’ll be able to configure the size, position, colors, and font settings of your castbar. There are many useful modules in the addon, such as an implementation of target/focus castbars, flight progress bar, display of the server latency, an indicator of range, and others.

Update from 28.08.2020

As of right now, the addon is not up to date, and for a while, you may use it if you check the «Load out of date AddOns» setting in the addon list in the game. There is also a problem when the Twitch app installs the wrong version and downloads the classic version of Quartz. In that case, you should delete your current version and manually download Quartz from CurseForge.


Easy to set up and to use, allows you to replace your standard castbar for a more appealing one, and also allows you to create an unlimited amount of castbars. You can create buff, debuff, cooldown timers with the same options as castbars, both horizontal and vertical bars with customizable bar growth direction. Slash command to access the addon menu is /gnosis. For advanced configuration options, check the addon page on CurseForge.


This wonderful tool, which you already familiar with by reading the previous section about Auras, can successfully replace your castbar and improve it both visually and functionally. 

For your convenience, a few examples from the Wago of how WeakAuras can be used to replace a castbar:

Many custom builds presented on Wago include already pre-configured castbars – we suggest you check class-related pages and see what other members of the WoW community have to share.

WoW Unit Frames

Shadowed Unit Frames

SUF is a combination of simplicity and flexibility. You can easily export/import layouts from your friends or other users and it’s possible to switch between profiles without reloading UI, which is very convenient. The addon includes display functions for auras and their timers, class power bars, incoming heals, player and party frames, and others. 

PitBull Unit Frames 4.0

A customizable unit frame, similar to Shadowed Unit Frames. Has a lot of settings for the frame customization in the game. There is plenty of skins for changing standard unit frames, and options include displaying buffs and debuffs of the player/target, displaying the threat on the player/target, using a 3D model of the character in the window, and many more.


An indispensable tool for Arena players – adds enemy team unit frames, which allows easier targeting and focusing. Addon has many configurable features, with which you can customize the frames to suit your every need. With certain modules, you’ll be able to track PvP trinket status, Target of Target, and setup announcements for the use of trinket, cooldowns, and when enemies are on low hp and about to die. 

Z-Perl Unit Frames

Updated classic X-Perl addon. I think anyone who played the game many years ago will remember it. Z-Perl is a modern version with the same clean look as before. Among its features: 3D Portraits, Range Finder, Raid Frames, Raid Tooltips, and other useful stuff.

Tidy Plates

Changes default UI for a more functional one. There are four nameplates for you to choose from:

Quatre – thick health bar, will be clearly visible; 

Neon –  a little smaller than the previous one, but has its own visual differences; 

Grey – minimalistic bar; 

And a standard Blizzard nameplate, but with the settings of the Addon.

To enter the settings panel for Tidy Plates, use the command:  /tidyplates

Healbot Continued

A multifunctional tool for healers. Convenient customizable frames with health indicators for your raid, group. You can assign mouse combos to use any healing spells on players with active or non-active bars. You can customize combos and add any usable items, Target, Focus, and Assist commands. Targets can be sorted and split into different groups, based on roles, raid groups, etc. Additionally, HealBot supports the synchronization of healing spells with other healers in your group/raid.

Best Addons for PvP in WoW Shadowlands

These best addons for WoW Shadowlands are good for optimizing your encounters with other players.

24. weizPVP

Image: Blizzard Entertainment via HGG

Launched: August 2018 | Total Downloads: ~100,000| Download Link: weizPVP

This incredibly useful addon ensures you never lose track of your priority kill target. If you have enemy nameplates on and click on a target, it will put a crosshair marker around your target. This is great for when you’re in a large brawl or your target tries to use the environment to hide from your view. It also displays nearby PvP enemies and can alert you with a custom sound byte when a new target gets within range (you’ll probably end up turning that off under settings except for kill-on-sight players).

25. Spy

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Launched: May 2009 | Total Downloads: ~2 million| Download Link: Spy

Unlike weizPvP, Spy does not offer the luxury of a crosshair. However, it does have a much better Kill-On-Sight list. Similar to weiz, you can add players to the list, but you can also set the reason for why they’re on your list and view it at any time. I recommend this solely because I’m an incredibly petty player and my kill-on-sight list is probably near the thousand mark.

26. H.H.T.D. 

Image: Blizzard Entertainment via HGG

Launched: May 2009 | Total Downloads: ~10 million| Download Link: H.H.T.D.

Healers have to die. This is the law of PvP, and this addon will uphold that law. Enemy healers will have a large, prominent red cross symbol above their heads, and you can let your allies know to target them. This is critical in most PvP situations. I suggest going into the settings and making sure that you exclude self-healing classes like Death Knights from being pinged as healers.

27. Gladius – Shadowlands

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Launched: August 2013 | Total Downloads: ~5 million| Download Link: Gladius

This addon lets you keep track of your enemies’ big cooldowns, know who they’re targeting, and time when to hit them with another CC to avoid diminishing returns. Gladius is the premier addon to have if you’re doing any form of hardcore PvP, such as arenas. Customize what relevant information you want and cut down your enemy before they can react.

28. Capping Battleground Timers

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Launched: July 2009 | Total Downloads: ~5 million| Download Link: Capping Battleground Timers

Use this addon to know exactly how long until you cap a base/point in battlegrounds, when vehicles/flags respawn, and how long until victory is achieved based on current held objectives.

29. BG Defender

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Launched: August 2007 | Total Downloads: ~500,000| Download Link: BG Defender

This is a simple addon to quickly and instantly call out how many incoming enemies are attacking your point and whether or not the situation has been handled. No one has time to type for help, so this is huge in maintaining information in a random battleground.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: