Tbc warlock guide (1-70)

Дестро лок пве 3.3 5 гайд: билд, ротация, символы, камни, эквип

Билды Демонолога в WoW БФА

Представляем вам два различных билда: для рейдов (преимущественно одна цель) и мифик+(преимущественно АОЕ):

Несколько целей:

Поговорим о выборе талантов подробнее:

Тир 1 — Здесь выбор должен быть сделан между Демоническая сила и Взрывные желчегнусы. Так как в патче 8.1 Взрывные желчегнусы были усилены на 50%, это довольно частый выбор демонологов.

Тир 2 — Если смотреть на результаты симуляции, то Рок лучший выбор в тире. Однако далеко не всегда симуляция сходится с реальными результатами, поэтому не забывайте про талант Демонический зов

Тир 3 — Не влияет на ДПС, поэтому все на ваш выбор. Мы же советуем взять Стремительный бег, т.к. мобильность у чернокнижника оставляет желать лучшего

Тир 4 — В этом тире стоит выбирать между  Удар души и  Призыв мерзотня. Оба таланта примерно одинаковы по ДПС, поэтому делайте выбор, основываясь на своем игровом стиле

Тир 5 —   Демонический круг стандартный выбор в большинстве ПВЕ ситуаций. Темное неистовство же может быть полезно в мифик+ 

Тир 6 — Все таланты в этом тире очень близки по полезности и ДПСу.   Гримуар: страж Скверны выглядит неплохим выбором, т.к. особо не усложнет ротацию и не взаимодействует с другими способностями.

Тир 7 — В настоящий момент лучшим выбором будет талант Принесенные в жертву души. Врата Пустоты  имеют похожие цифры после недавних изменений и может быть использован в соло-таргет.

Rogue bis raid weapons (swords)

Your mainhand sword rogue bis raid weapon is a no brainer. You want the CTS from Blackwing Lair.

Outside of this highly contested sword, there’s still the good old Viskag from Onyxia coming in 2nd and the Claw of the Black drake which should not be forgotten.

I know, a claw isn’t a sword, but it plays exactly the same as a sword spec rogue and it’s almost on par with a Viskag while being much much lower competiton if you’re stuck without a CTS or Viskag.

Non humans will want the Maladath blade from BWL because of the amazing +4 sword skill. Humans on the other hand do not need the sword skill and will want to pick up the Warblade of the Hakkari (offhand) from ZG.

Some non humans may also end up with the Warblade just due to Maladath being very rare and contested. ZG is on a 3 day reset and can be easily pugged as well.

Can sword rogues go clown suit or can dagger rogues go 8/8 bloodfang?

Yes and no. Sword rogues can go clown suit. In fact, the clown suit on swords is basically the same dps as 8/8 Bloodfang when you add in bis ZG enchants and full world buffs. In some cases you can even get clown set to barely out dps 8/8 bloodfang when world buffed.

The clown suit even got a slight buff with ZG gear/buff and is also more adaptable in the future once you swap out any Bloodfang piece and lose your 8 set bonus.

However, on the flip side, daggers rogues going 8/8 Bloodfang requires them to downgrade their offhand back to the pre-raid Distracting Dagger to keep +dagger skill above 308.

Here’s a quick look at rough dps sim numbers for each set (using full phase 4 buffs and consumes as an undead rogue over 75 seconds):

  • Sword rogue bis 8/8 bloodfang = 1335.94 dps
  • Sword rogue bis clown set = 1336.66 dps
  • Dagger rogue bis 8/8 bloodfang + distracting dagger = 1308.39 dps
  • Dagger rogue bis clown suit = 1321.12 dps

As you can see the dps differences aren’t that big. However you still generally want dagger rogues going clown set and sword rogues going 8/8 bloodfang first.

As mentioned previously, it’s just far more efficient as a guild to gear up some of your rogues in clown suit and while the others focus on bloodfang in order to better use all the raid drops. For these efficiency reasons it just makes sense that most sword rogues go 8/8 bloodfang to start, while daggers go clown suit.

Blood Tank Death Knight

Slot Name Source
Head Vendor
Neck Rotface 25HC
Shoulders Vendor
Back Vendor
Chest Vendor
Wrists Deathbringer Saurfang 25HC
Hands Vendor
Waist Vendor
Legs Marrowgar 25HC
Feet Halion 25HC
Finger Valithria Dreamwalker 25HC
Finger Vendor
Trinket Halion 25HC
Trinket Sindragosa 25HC
Trinket (Alt) Professor Putricide 10HC
Trinket (Alt) Vendor
Trinket (Alt) Gunship Battle 25HC
Main Hand Shadowmourne Questline
Main Hand (Alt) Lich King 25HC
Sigil Vendor

Trinket Alternative Options Breakdown:

Item Purpose
Unidentifiable Organ Armor
Corroded Skeleton Key Stamina/Easy to get
Corpse Tongue Coin Avoidance

Best Races

For both Horde and Alliance, players have the choice between a few different races to play a Warlock. Some of these races have notable perks. 


  • Orc: The benefit to playing an Orc Warlock is Command, which increases pet damage by 5%. As a Destruction Warlock, we are going to be sacrificing our pets, so this is not beneficial to our raid DPS. Blood Fury, on the other hand, increases our spell damage while reducing healing done to us for a brief time. 
  • Undead: In PvP, Will of the Forsaken is a strong ability that breaks charm, fear and sleep crowd control abilities which can quickly give you an advantage in arenas. This is useful for Warlocks in general, but does not help in endgame DPS roles. 
  • Blood Elf: Arcane Torrent offers players the ability to silence all mobs within 8 yards for 2 seconds on a 2-minute cooldown. This also restores a certain amount of mana based on how many charges of Mana Tap you currently have.


  • Gnome: Because intellect is one of the top priority stats for Warlocks, Gnomes are a popular choice due to Expansive Mind, which grants an overall 5% increase to intelligence. Escape Artist is a valuable tool especially for a cloth wearing class which breaks immobilization and movement speed reduction effects. 
  • Human: One major benefit to choosing a Human for any class is Diplomacy, which increases reputation gains by 10%. Grinding reputation is going to be a big part of The Burning Crusade to complete attunements by obtaining the keys to unlock heroic dungeons, get recipes for your professions, and get other special items like mounts. Some BiS gear comes from reputation, as well.

Аддоны для демон лока 3.3.5 ПвЕ

  • Deadly Boss Mods — рейдовый аддон, который должен быть у всех на мой взгляд. Аддон оповестит о предстоящих способностях босса, переходных фазах и поможет не умереть и не вайпануться из-за ошибки;
  • Recount или Skada — эти аддоны покажут нанесенный урон в реальном времени, а так же лечение, можно посмотреть различные статистики боя;
  • Omen — покажет ваш уровень агро и поможет сохранить вам жизнь и не получить ваншот от босса;
  • OmniCC — показывает на спелах время до восстановления способностей, т.е. КД;
  • NugComboBar — аддон позволит контролировать осколки душ;
  • BadPet — аддон позволит локам контролировать своих прислужников, ваш пет никогда не сорвется на босса или моба, прежде чем это сделает танк.


Для вашего мета драгоценного камня вам всегда захочется Chaotic Skyflare Diamond. Для красных розеток всегда используйте самоцвет Runed Cardinal ruby (+23 к силе заклинаний). Для желтых розеток — Безрассудный Аметрин. И наконец для синих розеток — Очищенный страхолит. Кстати, вы МОЖЕТЕ положить красные драгоценные камни в синие розетки, но это не даст вам бонуса от розетки указанного предмета. Если вы хотите проигнорировать бонус сокета, лучшим выбором для самоцвета является сила заклинаний. По моему мнению, вы никогда не должны получать драгоценные бонусы сокетов менее 6 заклинаний.


  • Когда мы начнем бой, мы будем использовать следующую ротацию: Жертвенный огонь -> Гримуар: Бес -> Призвать апокалиптическую стражу-> Пространственный разлом x3 -> Стрела Хаоса -> Поджигание x2 -> Испепеление, пока у нас не будет двух фрагментов души -> Стрела Хаоса. …
  • Всегда держите Жертвенный огонь на цели.
  • Когда в схватке есть две цели, мы должны использовать Havoc всякий раз, когда он у нас есть.
  • Призвать Адского — хорошая способность для столкновений с большим количеством целей, а также Огненный дождь.
  • Чтобы максимально увеличить урон от этой специализации, в идеале нужно постоянно оставаться неподвижным.
  • Мы должны внимательно относиться к нашей мане, так как этот персонаж потребляет много.
  • С правильными талантами для создания областей наш Испепеление поразит сразу несколько целей, давая нам тонну осколков души и возможность запускать несколько огненных дождей подряд.

Destruction Warlocks in Dragonflight: Strengths and Weaknesses

In World of Warcraft, the Warlock class comes with three DPS specializations: Demonology, Destruction, and Affliction. The warlock’s spending resource is called Mana. All three warlock specs focus on ranged-combat fights and require wise mana resource management.

The Destruction Warlock represents one of the best DPS classes for Mythic Dungeons and Mythic Raiding in Dragonflight Season 1, providing a high damage output for both single-target and multi-target encounters.

In terms of weapons, the Destruction Warlock uses a wide selection of weapons such as daggers, one-handed swords, staves, and wands. As for raid gear, the Warlock shares the Conqueror Tier Token with Demon Hunters, Paladins, and Priests for legacy content. In the Dragonflight expansion, the Vault of the incarnates raid, warlocks share the Dreadful Tier Token with Demon Hunters and Death Knights.

In the table below, we present the Destruction spec’s strengths and weaknesses:

What’s next?

  1. Leveling. If your character has been inactive since the previous expansions, the best  option to level up it is by Timewalking dungeons. You will gain a lot of experience, but there is one big disadvantage of leveling this way. Timewalks are available only for one week during a month, but Overgear is always here.
  2. Equipment. At high level, the most important thing for you will become your gear. WoW is a multiplayer game, that’s why we recommend for you to play it with your friends, or to find a new friends for mythic+ runs. If you have any trouble with it – Overgear may help you to find not just friends for a run, but a complete well geared and experienced group that also will be glad to trade all the loot you need.
  3. Raids. Raids are the top-tier PvE content in the game. That’s why the equipment’s base ilvl is higher than anywhere else. These dungeons require knowing all the tactics and have a good gear to kill the bosses. The possibilities of Overgear might let you skip those criteria.

Azerite. It is also not the best idea to forget about the Heart of Azeroth and not to feed it with more Azerite. Ignoring this won’t make your character stronger. The easiest way to do it – just complete all the world quests with Azerite rewards everyday. You can get extra azerite from Island Expeditions. Companions can be found at Overgear.

Использование кулдаунов

Основной кулдаун дестро лока, Призыв инфернала, довольно прост в использовании. Данную способность следует использовать по кд, однако старайтесь придержать её, если есть возможность нанести урон большему количеству целей.

Если вы используете талант Черная душа: нестабильность, старайтесь применять его по кд. Перед кастом, при необходимости, обновите на вашей цели Жертвенный огонь и проверьте количество осколков души (больше 4 осколков будет идеальным вариантом).

Ваша цель заключается в том, чтобы нанести наибольшее количество урона от Стрел Хаоса во время действия этой способности, поэтому генерация осколков не менее важна. Для дополнительной генерации осколков души во время действия таланта Черная душа: нестабильность вы можете приберечь заряды Поджигания.


For general conception, take a look at the overall priority list:

On 1 -2 targets:

  1. Keep up  Immolate  on the target 100% of the time.This debuff can be put with  Cataclysm if you have this talent. .
  2. Chaos Bolt to avoid soul fragments overcap.
  3. Cataclysm every cooldown (if you have this talent)  
  4. Channel Demonfire every cooldown (if you have this talent)  
  5. ON 2 TARGETS:  Use Havoc on the second targets as often as you can. Saving up 2-3 soul fragments in advance and at least  1 stack of Conflagrate in the moment of usage. While Havoc  is active you need to cast not less than 3 Chaos Bolt and 2 Conflagrate.
  6. Soul Fire every cooldown (if you have it)
  7. Chaos Bolt
  8. Conflagrate, can be used while moving but never let 2 charges be up
  9. Incinerate to generate Soul fragments.

Cooldowns management

Summon Infernal –  a pretty simple burst, in most of the cases you should use it every cd. When playing with  Dark Soul: Instability, you should use this ability every cooldown,  but before using it make sure that your Immolate  was cast recently  and also you should have 4+ souls fragments. Try to use Chaos Bolt  while bursting as often as you can. It is important to generate soul fragments attentively.

When playing with  Grimoire of Supremacy and  Dark Soul: Instability, it is optimal to combine these 2 cooldowns when it is possible. The important factor in this situation is the fight duration.:

  • If combat lasts less than 190 seconds , use  Dark Soul: Instability  every cooldown.
  • If combat lasts  190-250 seconds hold  Dark Soul: Instability for the second Summon Infernal.
  • If the fight lasts  250-380 seconds, hold  Summon Infernal for the third Dark Soul: Instability.

A few rules for AOE

  1. Rain of Fire  is a bigger priority than  Chaos Bolt on 3+ targets considering that mobs will leave the range of an ability.
  2. Rain of Fire  is a bigger priority than Chaos Bolt for Havoc on 5+ targets.
  3. Immolate should be kept on up to 8 targets if they would live not more than 6 seconds..
  4. Although  Immolate has less priority than Rain of Fire or Chaos Bolt.
  5. Havoc is good to use on a pack of not less than 4 targets.
  6. If Grimoire of Supremacy is taken and you Summon Infernal  on AOE and not on a single target then you should hold Havoc until the last 10 seconds of Summon Infernal. Cast Rain of Fire in the first 10 seconds to spend a lot of Soul fragments and in the last 10 seconds spam Chaos Bolt  while Havoc is active.
  7. On 5 or more targets Havoc can be used for a fast soul fragments generation for Rain of Fire.

A few more  tips

  1. Abilities duplicated by Havoc, also generale soul fragments. It means that  Conflagrate  will also grant you one soul fragment. Havoc  can be cast on the targets under partial immune or minus damage effect for soul fragments generation.
  2. Using  Cataclysm together with  Channel Demonfire  in m+ is very effective. Pay attention on your bursting cooldowns and try to to synchronize them.

Start of  combat:

Single target:

  1. Prepot + Incinerate 3 seconds before the combat.
  2. Cataclysm for Immolate if you have the talent otherwise cast Immolate manually.
  3. Conflagrate.
  4. Summon Infernal.
  5. Generate soul fragments without overcapping them. If their amount is close to 5 spend them on Chaos Bolt.
  6. 20 seconds before Summon Infernal ends  cast Dark Soul: Instability and use trinket if you have it.
  7. Cast  Chaos Bolt as often as possible in these 20 seconds generating soul fragments with Incinerate and Conflagrate, spending stacks of  Backdraft on Chaos Bolt.

2 targets:

  1. Prepot + Incinerate 3 seconds before the combat.
  2. Cataclysm for Immolate if you have the talent otherwise cast Immolate manually.
  3. Conflagrate.
  4. Summon Infernal, Dark Soul: Instability  use trinket if you have it.
  5. Generate soul fragments without overcapping them. If their amount is close to 5 spend them on Chaos Bolt.
  6. 20 seconds before Summon Infernal ends  cast Dark Soul: Instability and use trinket if you have it.
  7. Use  Havoc on an additional target.
  8. Cast Chaos Bolt, until you run out of soul fragments.
  9. Cast Conflagrate
  10. Try to cast  Chaos Bolt as often as possible while Havoc is on.
  11. Cast  Chaos Bolt as often as possible in these 20 seconds generating soul fragments with Incinerate and Conflagrate, spending stacks of  Backdraft on Chaos Bolt.

Pets management:

  • The pet choice does not affect damage, you need to chose the pet according to the situation.
  • You should  play with  Summon Imp in raid usually because it can dispel. Besides imp spends a bit more time to change the target.
  • In mythic keys you should use  Summon Felhunter that can interrupt casts.

Raid gear F.A.Q (and their answers):

No, it can help a tiny bit in some fights, but for the most part you can ignore the 5 set nightslayer bonus when it comes to pve.

Yes and no. Firemaw cloak is not a dps upgrade over the Baron cape, but it is a 120 HP upgrade. How much you value the Firemaw cloak upgrade comes down to how much you personally value HP (and obviously it’s also a great pvp cloak for rogues who do both pvp and pve).

HP is still a handy stat and survivability as a rogue has definite benefits on raids, even if it doesn’t easily show on the dps charts.

In general these are the largest single item dps increases you will see in BWL outside of the weapons:

  1. Drake Fang Talisman (20~ dps increase)
  2. Bloodfang chest (14~ dps increase)
  3. Boots of the Shadow Flame (dagger rogues 14~ dps increase)
  4. Bloodfang bracers (7~ dps increase)

WoW TBC Classic fast level tips

Complete quests…

While it may seem obvious, questing is going to be the main way most players choose to level, especially if you’re playing solo. You’ll find various quest hubs while you’re out in the new Outland zones, so you should work your way through these to rack up that experience. 

You’ll also see more of the story this way, so unless you’re racing to get to level 70, questing can help round out the world you’re in.

It’s also worth noting that a boosted character won’t have the best gear and are probably a lot weaker than those that have leveled and geared up naturally. As such—and especially if you’re going it solo—it might be an idea to quest in high-level Azeroth zones (Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, or Silithus) before venturing to Outland.

… but pay attention to colours in your quest log

This will depend on your priorities while leveling, though. Quests show as different colours in your quest log and you should pay attention to them if you want to make the most of your time spent. Yellow and green quests are generally within a few levels of your character and are safe to complete solo. Grey quests, on the other hand, should be avoided entirely as they will only give a fraction of the experience. 

Red or orange quests are meant for a higher level than your character and great care should be taken if you plan on tackling these. In fact, avoiding them altogether may be safer, to avoid wasting time with unnecessary deaths. You can always come back to them when you’ve gained a few more levels.

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Let professions give you a helping hand 

Learning a profession (or two) may seem counterintuitive if you’re just trying to make it to level 70, but certain tradeskills can help you while leveling. First Aid in particular allows you to make consumables that can heal your character if things get a bit dicey. 

Depending on how much time you want to commit, you can also craft gear and weapons or simply pick up two gathering professions and throw the materials you collect onto the auction house to make some gold along the way.

Group up for an easier time

Grouping up with friends or guildies while doing quests can cut down on the time spent on each. And while the experience gained from enemies will be less while in a group, the quest rewards remain the same for each player.

Some classes have no trouble soloing content while others may take longer to kill things, but even so, the speed with which a group can clear quests generally makes for a more efficient easier leveling process, to the benefit of everyone involved.

Speaking of groups, do dungeons 

If you have a group ready to go or if you can form one easily with friends or via your guild, running dungeons is an efficient way to gain levels. This soon falls off though if you have to spend time looking for a group or have people leave and then need to replace them.

Having said that, one of the big benefits in TBC Classic—if you play Horde—is that there are likely to be a lot of Paladin tanks around, so dungeoning through Outland is more viable than it would be normally. 

Dungeon quests are a great source of experience, too. While these can only be completed once, it’s worth running a dungeon for that extra chunk of XP even if you spend the rest of your time questing.

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Set your hearthstone to save time

Getting around in Burning Crusade Classic takes a lot longer than it does in modern WoW, so it’s a good idea to make use of your Hearthstone and set it accordingly. Some quests will send you far and wide to kill enemies or collect items and you can waste a lot of time running from one place to another. You won’t be able to cut out all of your travel time, but you can lessen it by using your hearthstone to return to the innkeeper at a quest hub or town and cut out your return journey entirely.

Kill enemies between quests 

Grinding is only going to be a viable alternative to questing if you play a class that can quickly AoE down multiple enemies. But that’s not to say you can’t supplement your questing with a bit of grinding on the side.

As I’ve already mentioned, leveling in Burning Crusade Classic will see you spend a lot of time traveling from one place to another. If your hearthstone is on cooldown or you’re venturing into a new area, kill any random enemies you might see along the way. Sure, it’s not going to give you a chunk of experience like a quest does but every drop of XP helps.

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Don’t forget rested experience 

When you log out, make sure you do so at an inn or rested area. Rested experience gives you twice the XP for killing enemies and is gained more quickly when logged out of the game. 

Статы для Дестро Лока 3.3.5 ПвП

«Скорость» — данный показатель, чем выше, тем круче. Если вы из ПвП шмота взяли все что могли, то присмотритесь к некоторым вещам ПвЕ, они вполне могут быть предпочтительнее. Смотрите только за Устойчивостью, чтобы она не упала ниже чем 1200 единиц. Это потому, что всегда стараются вынести первым Лока и опускание планки устойчивости приводит к пагубному финалу.
«Меткость» — в принципе нам хватит всего 70 единиц, можно взять с ветки «Колдовство», качнув способность «Подавление».
Рейтинг вашего проникновения заклинаний играет решающую роль. Его, как минимум» необходимо собрать 130 единиц, и ваш фир будет великолепно работать, несмотря на различные сейв-абилки разных классов.

Azerite traits

In BFA typical sets were removed and Azerite armor took their place. Now every chest/helmet/shoulders have a few rings traits. You will need to collect the best traits. First of all you need  those that grant maximum profit as 1 in the armor. When you stack up traits only the first one grants an effect, the rest increase your damage. These traits would be the best for you:

  • Crashing Chaos. Grants a good burst damage on a single target but not that great for cleave fights. Basically it is used for a single target.
  • Flashpoint. A great talent for fights with targets that have more than 80%  hp for long time or just for fights with adds.
  • Chaotic Inferno – buffs your Chaos bolt and sometimes allows you to cast Incinerate instantly.
  • Rolling Havoc is good as Flashpoint at multidot encounters.
  • Loyal to the End is a very powerful tool at new raid, which gives you lots of Mastery. It is very good trait, so we recomend you to stack this one.

The next traits are not that great but still could be used:

  • Chaos Shards
  • Bursting Flare

You can use chart on  herodamage.com,  or sim the difference on raidbots.com.

For those who use  AzeritePowerWeights addon, there is a command with approximate stats of traits:

( AzeritePowerWeights:2:"herodamage.com - Stacks_1T_T24":9:267: 444=10, 575=8.19, 526=7.81, 562=7.77, 522=7.75, 193=7.70, 82=7.63, 432=7.32, 196=6.85, 232=6.74, 501=6.60, 505=6.26, 460=6.25, 192=6.16, 480=5.84, 521=5.76, 30=5.68, 481=5.66, 479=5.57, 504=5.53, 486=5.30, 492=5.30, 483=5.15, 157=5.15, 195=4.97, 478=4.93, 495=4.92, 489=4.92, 485=4.65, 488=4.62, 494=4.62, 131=4.41, 523=4.26, 482=4.21, 194=4.19, 576=4.15, 561=4.13, 487=3.40, 493=3.40, 498=3.31, 560=3.05, 156=2.99, 500=2.91, 21=2.87, 459=2.73, 31=2.46, 22=2.32, 18=2.31, 499=1.93, 490=1.83, 496=1.83, 461=1.80, 497=1.72, 491=1.72, 541=1.66, 462=1.59, 431=0.09: )

Игра в рейде

Классический WoW, включающий в себя 6 рейдов и 6 мировых боссов, содержит множество рейдового контента для игроков, разбитого на сезонный график релизов. Хотя весь контент не будет доступен сразу после запуска, вы можете подготовиться к нему заранее с нашими классическими путеводителями WoW. Знание – это сила, и некоторые классы или таланты работают лучше в одном рейде над другим, поэтому знание того, с чем вы столкнетесь, является ключом к его победе!

Здесь мы расскажем, что вам нужно знать, когда вы сталкиваетесь с различными проблемами в подземельях и рейдах.

В отличие от магов, у Чернокнижников нет талантов, которые повышают рейтинг меткости ваших основных заклинаний ДПС, таких как Стрела Тьмы. Единственный талант, связанный с рейтингом меткости это Подавление, которое учитывается только для проклятий и Порча. Несмотря на то, что у Чернокнижников нет собственного рейтинга меткости, они могут критовать огромные суммы из-за умножения дебаффов, добавляющих к их урону от заклинаний Сумерки, Проклятие Тьмы, Плетение Тьмы, Улучшенная стрела Тьмы. Это означает, что до того, как чернокнижники получают снаряжение с рейтингом меткости, их урон может быть очень изменчивым, иногда с массивным критом спина к спине, а в других случаях вы не можете получить заклинание, чтобы спасти вашу жизнь.

К счастью, чернокнижники получают доступ к экипировке рейтинга попаданий позже в Классике, сглаживая их DPS.

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