Гайд по шаману «исцеление» (restoration) в pve wow lich king 3

Гайд по шаману «исцеление» (restoration) в pve wow lich king 3

Best Professions for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

When it comes to professions, the only mandatory one is Jewelcrafting. It gives you a lot of additional Resilience in the form of Mystic Dragon’s Eye. You gem full Resilience as an Enhancement Shaman anyways, and this is one of the best ways to get even more of it.As for your second option, in Seasons 5 and 6 you should look towards Engineering. Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket gives you a lot of damage for your burst windows. Its damage is static and is off GCD, which makes it even stronger.However, in Seasons 7 and 8 Blacksmithing will become a better option due to introduction of Epic gems. This will allow you to get even more passive stat boosts with additional sockets in gloves and bracers.

Best Talents for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

This will be your standard build for Season 5, so let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable talents.First off, Feral Spirit is the bread and butter of Enhancement Shamans. It is your biggest burst cooldown, which also increases the healing you take, so it makes you a difficult target to kill. Spirit Wolves have two active abilities: Bash and Spirit Walk, which are a nice addition to your utility.Next up, we have Maelstrom Weapon, which is pretty much the same in Wrath, as it is on retail, but even stronger. It allows you to instantly cast a spell when you reach 5 stacks. You can use it on healing, damage and even Hex, which gives it a lot of versatility depending on the situation you find yourself in.Shamanistic Rage is your strongest and most reliable defensive on a 1-minute cooldown. You also gain Mana while melee attacks when it is up. Enhancement Shamans rely on Mana to keep functioning in any arena game, so you do need ways to deal with this issue.Earthen Power strengthens your Earthbind Totem, making it remove snares from your party. It is incredibly strong against classes, such as Mages, removing all of their slows and allowing you to connect more often. It also works on undispellable snares, such as Hamstring, so this talent is useful against pretty much any composition.Frozen Power is also a good utility talent to have to help you catch up to your opponents. Mobility in Wrath is relatively limited, so having additional means to close the gap is very valuable.One of the main reasons you branch off to the Elemental tree is to get Reverberation. Reduced cooldown on Wind Shear is very strong both defensively and offensively, making it an all around great talent.As we’ve mentioned before, Mana issues for Enhancement Shamans are a thing, which is why you also want to pick up Elemental Focus, giving you Clearcasting for healing and damage spells.

Best Enhancement Shaman Race in PvP


As an Alliance player, you are basically forced into playing Draenei, which is not as strong as the Horde option. You do gain 1% Hit with Heroic Presence, which will help you get to Hit cap. Having Gift of the Naaru can also be very useful in dire situations, and since it’s a Holy spell, it can be used when locked on Nature.


As Horde, Orc is by far the most beneficial race due to Hardiness, which is excellent against most classes. Blood Fury is useful for your big offensive cooldowns. And you also get Command, which increases the damage done by your Spirit Wolves summoned with Feral Spirit, solidifying Orc as the best choice for Enhancement.

Тонкости игры на арене за шамана

Я распишу несколько циклов дамага для шамы:

Самый дикий бурст: под проками тринек можно выдать адский демедж. Если на цели уже висит огненный шок, то мы используем «Выброс лавы» — «Покорение стихий» — «Молнию» — «Цепная молния»  и закрываем все это дело фрост шоком. При везении после этого комбо можно получить урон на 17-25к хп;

Обычный бурст – «Огненный шок» — «Выброс лавы» — «Цепная молния» — «Шок», запросто может выдать на 12-15к хп.

  • Следите за тремором, когда вы играете против пристов и локов;
  • Старайтесь ставить граундинг по кд или под неприятные заклинания (стан, койл и т.д);
  • Если взяли большой рейнд от тотемов, то не забудьте их переставить.

Best Races

Since the expansion we are reviewing is Wrath of the Lich King, the shaman class has several interesting choices when it comes to PvP content. The most notable choices are Draenei for the Alliance and Orc for the Horde.


Orc: Orcs are often considered to be the best race for the shaman class, as offered by the Horde. It brings several interesting racials for PvP content.The first racial is Command. At first, you might think that it doesn’t count for the shaman class – however, the effect does apply to your spirit wolves, as well as your earth and fire elementals.The second racial that is quite powerful is Hardiness, offering reduction to Stun effects by 15%.Although not as impactful, the other beneficial racials are the Blood Fury, which acts like a steroid for your attack power, and the Axe Specialization, which increases your expertise with axes and fist weapons.

Tauren: Another option offered by the Horde for the Shaman class is Tauren. These mighty spiritual beings have a deep connection with the elements and nature. They provide several powerful racials for PvP scenarios.First one is Endurance, which increases the Tauren’s base health by 5%. Second one is the War Stomp, which is a stun that lasts 2 seconds. War Stomp provides increased survivability in clutch situations, or a way to chain up crowd control to set up a kill.Another useful racial is the Nature Resistance, which reduces the chance to be hit by nature spells by 2% – a similar passive to the Blood Elf racial.Lastly, this race provides a racial which can help guide your profession choices – Cultivation, which increases your base Herbalism skill by 15.

Troll: The last available race for the Shaman class from the Horde, Trolls provide several interesting racials which can bring you an edge during a PvP encounter.The first one is Regeneration, which increases your base health regeneration factor by 10%, and also allows 10% of your health regeneration to continue during combat.Another useful racial is Da Voodoo Shuffle, which offers a 15% reduction to movement-impairing effects, which can help with kiting. Trolls also offer Berserking, which gives you a 20% increase to your attack and casting speed.This race also provides Beast Slaying, which increases your damage against beasts by 5%. There is also Bow Specialization, and Throwing Specialization, but these two racials do not benefit the Shaman class.


Draenei: This is the only race that allows the choice of the Shaman class from the Alliance. The Draenei have a strong connection to the spirits and the natural world, which comes with some powerful racials.Gift of the Naaru is an “HoT” ability, healing the target over time for a fixed total amount, which is increased by your spell power.The second notable racial is Heroic Presence, which increases the hit rating of all party members in a 30-yard radius by 1%. This is a very strong racial when min-maxing is considered.Other racials from the Draenei race are the Gemcutting (racial which increases your base Jewelcrafting skill by 5, similar to the Tauren racial), and the Shadow Resistance (decreases the chance you will be hit with shadow spells by 2%).

Лучшая PvP-экипировка для Шамана «Исцеление» в WotLK Classic

Ниже представлен список экипировки для Рестор Шамана, используемой в PvP-боях в открытом мире, а также на полях боя. Предельное значение меткости заклинаний для PvP — 4%, старайтесь не превышать его.

Перечисленные предметы дают общее представление о процессе подбора экипировки. Любой из них можно заменить на другой предмет с устойчивостью / выносливостью и интеллектом / силой заклинаний / критическим ударом / броней.

Слот Предмет Источник
  • PvP-торговец
  • PvP-торговец на Озере Ледяных Оков
  • Сартарион — Обсидиановое святилище (25)
  • Сапфирон — Наксрамас (25)
  • PvP-торговец
  • PvP-торговец
  • Малигос — Око Вечности (25)
  • PvP-торговец
  • PvP-торговец на Озере Ледяных Оков
  • Кел’Тузад — Наксрамас (25)
  • PvP-торговец

Лучшие сетапы для элем шаман в лич кинге


Элем + Длок – нереальный бурст, особенно под БЛ (блуд ласт, героизм), контроль (лягушка, фир, суккуба, сбивания каста от шамы), пурж и отхил от шамана.

Элем + ШП — неплохой контроль, двойной отхил, двойной пурж, диспел ядов и магии.

Элем + ДЦ – здесь нам нужно одевать в МП5 гир, прист у нас будет дополнительно асистеть по дамагу, а не просто хилить. Хороший отхил, бурст, диспел ядов и двойной пурж.

Элем + Фрост или Фаер маг – также достаточно неплохой сетап, отхил, бурст (с фаером бурст будет жестче, но выживаемости меньше), контроль, пурж.

Элем + Хпал – хороший сетап, правда меньше контроля, но тут мы имеем стан от паладина.

Элем + БМхант – бурстовый сетап, здесь вы должны снести любой таргет за кд ваших основных заклинаний, иначе получите слив.


Элем + Длок, либо афлик + ДЦ(Рдруид, хпал) – много контроля, хороший бурст и отличный пурж, а также диспел (Если играете с дц и хпалом).

Элем + Фаер/фрост маг + ДЦ – всё тоже самое как и в двойке, только наличие двойного пуржа, огромного контроля, дабл отхила и диспела.

Элем + ШП + Хпал – игра расчитана на затяжные бои и просадки противников по мане, также имеют неплохой контроль (фир, сало, прерывание заклинаний, стан от пала и лягушка).

Элем + Авар + ДЦ – двойной пурж, мортал, хороший бурст и неплохой контроль (фир от вара, фир от приста, лягушка, прерывание заклинаний).

Best Macros for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

Enhancement Shamans benefit heavily from macros, specifically “arena123” macros for some of the key abilities. Wind Shear, Frost Shock, Purge and Hex are all nice to have in such macros if you can get used to them so that you can use these spells without the need to swap targets.

Until you get used to those, you can use focus macros for the same abilities. It is a more simplified version that still requires you to switch focus at times, but will get the job done in most cases.

Having “party123” or “playername” macros for things like Healing Wave will make you gameplay a bit more fluid since you won’t need to manually target your teammates whenever you want to help out.

In order to maximize the uptime of Spirit Wolves every time you use Feral Spirit, you’ll want to have a few macros for pet management. The most fundamental ones are petattack and petfollow, which can also be macrod with other abilities to make sure your pets are always doing what you need them to.

Spirit Wolves also have additional abilities, so having macros for them will make it easier to make the most out of your biggest cooldown. Bash will be used once in the duration of Wolves, whereas Spirit Walk can be used twice, so you should keep that in mind.

ПВП аддоны

Icicle – отслеживание КД противников;

InterruptBar — аддон для отслеживания кд способностей, которые сбивают каст;

SpellAlerter — аддон для показа кастов противника;

Arena History — аддон для просмотра истории арены;

Gladius — арена фреймы;

Losecontrol – покажет контроль над персонажами;

OmniCC – показывает КД ваших заклинаний;

Gearscore – покажет ГС ваших противников;

SnowfallKeyPress – аддон поможет использовать способности не по отпусканию клавиш, а по их нажатию;

Omnibar – отследит КД ваших противников;

Quartz – крутой каст-бар;

Аддоны для интерфейса — https://wowskill.ru/yunit-frejmy-i-interfejs-dlya-3-3-5/;

Вы также можете посмотреть другие аддоны для вов 3.3.5.

Способности и PvP ротация Рестор Шамана в WoW WotLK

У «Исцеления» нет четкой PvP-ротации. Способности для нанесения урона и исцеления, вспомогательные и прочие эффекты применяются по мере необходимости. Общие правила выглядят следующим образом:

  • Внимательно следите за уровнем маны. Если у вас закончится этот ресурс, вы не сможете оказывать поддержку союзникам. Если противники не уделяют вам должного внимания, можете присесть попить, но только если вы уверены, что союзникам не требуется исцеление.

Шаман-хил пользуется в основном немгновенными заклинаниями, поэтому ему очень важно научиться выманивать у противников способности для прерывания. Начните читать заклинание, а затем намеренно отмените его, надеясь, что противник не успеет сориентироваться и потратит свою способность впустую

Очень важно отменять свое заклинание вовремя: если вы сделаете это слишком поздно, противнику удастся прервать заклинание и заблокировать вам соответствующую школу магии, если вы сделаете это слишком поздно, противник разгадает ваш замысел.

Best Gear for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

Enhancement Shaman Stat Priority:

Resilience > 5% Hit (4% as Draenei) > Haste > Crit > Armor PenetrationEnhancement Shamans are very squishy outside of Shamanistic Rage, making Resilience the most important stat. Obviously, you want the 5% Hit cap to make sure you don’t miss with your melee abilities. If you are playing Draenei, you only need 4% due to the racial bonus. You also get 4% from Dual Wield Specialization, making it fairly easy to achieve. After that, you want to go for Haste to make your globals quicker, and lastly, Critical Strike, which can help with both damage and healing, and Armor Penetration, which isn’t as useful since most of your damage comes from spells and not physical hits.

Enhancement Shaman Pre-BiS Gear

Helm: Savage Gladiator’s Linked HelmNeck: Hateful Gladiator’s Pendant of VictoryShoulders: Savage Gladiator’s Linked SpauldersBack: Hateful Gladiator’s Cloak of VictoryChest: Savage Gladiator’s Linked ArmorBracers: Hateful Gladiator’s Wristguards of TriumphGloves: Savage Gladiator’s Linked GauntletsBelt: Hateful Gladiator’s Waistguard of TriumphLegs: Savage Gladiator’s Linked LeggingsBoots: Hateful Gladiator’s Sabatons of TriumphRing 1: Hateful Gladiator’s Band of TriumphRing 2: Mobius BandTrinket 1: Anvil of TitansTrinket 2: Medallion of the HordeMain Hand: GreedOff-Hand: The KeyTotem: Totem of Splintering

Most of the gear comes from PvP to give you as much Resilience as possible. One item comes from Wintergrasp, Anvil of Titans, so you should get is as soon as you can. Other items come from Dungeons or can be bought for Emblems of Heroism obtained for farming those dungeons.

Enhancement Shaman BiS Gear (Best-in-Slot)

Helm: Deadly Gladiator’s Linked HelmNeck: Favor of the Dragon QueenShoulders: Deadly Gladiator’s Linked SpauldersBack: Drape of the Deadly FoeChest: Deadly Gladiator’s Linked ArmorBracers: Deadly Gladiator’s Wristguards of TriumphGloves: Deadly Gladiator’s Linked GauntletsBelt: Deadly Gladiator’s Waistguard of TriumphLegs: Deadly Gladiator’s Linked LeggingsBoots: Deadly Gladiator’s Sabatons of TriumphRing 1: Deadly Gladiator’s Band of VictoryRing 2: Surge Needle RingTrinket 1: Anvil of TitansTrinket 2: Medallion of the HordeMain Hand: Calamity’s GraspOff-Hand: Deadly Gladiator’s ChopperTotem: Totem of Splintering

The story remains the same for your end-of-season BiS list. Most of your items come from PvP, whereas things like weapon, cloak and neck drop in raid. Calamity’s Grasp is much better than all other weapons, so you should definitely get it if you can. The Totem and Anvil of Titans carry over from your pre-BiS list and remain best in slot for the entirety of Season 5.

Best Enhancement Shaman Gems

Meta: Persistent Earthsiege Diamond / Relentless Earthsiege DiamondUnique: Enchanted TearRed: Mystic Autumn’s Glow / Empowered Monarch TopazYellow: Mystic Autumn’s GlowBlue: Mystic Autumn’s GlowThe stun reduction meta is a good defensive option against the likes of Rogues, but Relentless Earthsiege Diamond provides you a lot more burst pressure due to increased Crit damage. Ideally, you will have two helms and swap between the two, but if you have to choose one – Relentless Earthsiege Diamond is the preferred choice.You should ignore nearly all socket bonuses to gain as much Resilience as possible and have Mystic Autumn’s Glow in all sockets with the only exceptions being to activate your meta gem with the help of the Enchanted Tear for extra stats.

Best Enhancement Shaman Enchants

Helm: +50 Attack Power +20 ResilienceShoulders: +40 Attack Power +15 ResilienceBack: +35 Spell PenetrationChest: +20 ResilienceBracers: +50 Attack PowerGloves: Pyro RocketLegs: +40 Resilience and +28 StaminaBoots: +15 Stamina and Movement SpeedMain Hand: BerserkingOff-Hand: Titanium Weapon Chain

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Best Glyphs for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

Best Major Glyphs for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

  • Glyph of Feral Spirit
  • Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem
  • Glyph of Shocking / Glyph of Windfury Weapon

Glyph of Feral Spirit is the most impactful one of the three. It adds a lot of pressure to Spirit Wolves, which is your main win condition.Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem is another mandatory glyph, but this time – for your survivability. It gives you an approximately 4k shield, which is great to have under heavy pressure. It will also give a shield to your other totems, making them more difficult to kill.Glyph of Shocking is nice to have since you use Shocks quite often, and a reduced GCD will make your gameplay a lot more fluid. Enhancement Shamans are relatively GCD capped in Wrath, so having extra globals will help you maximize both offensive and defensive spell usage.But this glyph can be replaced with Glyph of Windfury Weapon. It will give you extra chance for more damage, which is always a welcome sight. So this makes it a choice between having a faster global or a random chance of doing more damage. Due to the rng nature of this glyph, Glyph of Shocking will be the better overall pick.

Best Minor Glyphs for Enhancement Shaman in PvP

  • Glyph of Water Shield
  • Glyph of Ghost Wolf
  • Glyph of Water Walking

Since Mana is a significant pain point, Glyph of Water Shield is nice to have to make sure you don’t go oom.Glyph of Ghost Wolf is useful in situations where you have to kite often. It isn’t too impactful, but it is free healing after all, which makes it better than the other options.Glyph of Water Walking isn’t really useful at all in arena, but we don’t have any real choices for the third Minor Glyph, and it can find its uses in BGs or World PvP.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: